Chapter 56

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Nina's P.O.V

It's devastating, really.

What Nancy is going through is devastating. It's even more devastating for me seeing her in the state she's in.

Nancy has been depressed since the last three days. She barely eats, barely speaks -- nothing! She doesn't do anything with herself. She just...exists.

Tory, Braden and I - as well as some others, have tried our best to always surround her; make her feel at home; make her feel loved so that maybe that void she's feeling will disappear. To accomplish that, we have to sedate her; give her drugs, so that she can fall asleep and forget all that's going through her mind.

Honestly, I haven't witnessed her so pathetic in my life. Even when mom and dad died, she wasn't this way. Yes, she mourned, but it wasn't up to this level. I don't know what to do again.

Braden said he got her missed call the other day; but didn't see a voicemail. He said when he got it, he called her back, but it was Tory that picked because Nancy had already slept. Tory explained everything to Braden, making Braden rush over that very night.

I thankfully was able to come back. I explained half of the story to Chris because he had already found out the other half from the news. I don't know how or who sent that sensitive information so soon, but I want to strangle them. I really do! They did the same shit to me when Henry broke up with me. Now they did it to Nancy. But this case is different! This time, death was involved! Couldn't they at least have an atom of decency?!

Chris wasn't pleased with what happened either. He said he had known Cassius for over fifteen years, so it definitely kicked in.

I still don't know what Cassius went to do at whatever place he went to do it, that got him killed. I don't understand.

I have noticed the per time death glares Braden gives Tory when Nancy talks more to him or asks him for stuff more than she asks Braden. I don't know what's his problem, but he needs to get over it. The important thing is Nancy's mental health.

Seriously, you should see her. She looks like a living zombie. She looks like someone who's tired of life. I really hate seeing her like that. I'm sure it's traumatizing seeing someone you love dead. I can't imagine how that feels like. Sure, I knew Cassius, but I didn't really know him the way Nancy did. You get, right? I mean, she spent more time with him than I did...

Other than my parents, I haven't lost any one-- I mean death. I definitely have lost Henry and Henry was the love of my life.

Well, it's been three days now. Nancy doesn't look like someone who's going to get better, so I'm thinking getting her a gift therapist or possibly a psychiatrist.

I mean, I'm not the only one that thinks so...

Someone called Nancy two days ago. She said her name is Daniella. She said she's Nancy's gym mentor or something like that... She asked after her when she was asleep, so I just told her that she's doing okay. Daniella didn't buy it, so she came over. She saw Nancy's state and suggested a psychiatrist. She said she had told Nancy to get a therapist to express all she's holding in before, but she declined.

None of us saw Cassius's death coming.

Yes, he disappeared, but we weren't necessarily expecting him to die.

I don't even know exactly what happened! Nancy doesn't want to say anything. She only showed us the picture an anonymous number sent to her. That's all. I need to know more, so that we can possibly start an investigation. This shit is getting extra. It started with threat notes, then someone died; that Carlos guy; now Cassius is out too. It isn't normal anymore.

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