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With a happy smile, Yeonjun tied a bouquet of flowers intended for a young lady whose boyfriend had ordered it yesterday

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With a happy smile, Yeonjun tied a bouquet of flowers intended for a young lady whose boyfriend had ordered it yesterday. A bouquet of wonderfully fragrant flowers was always a sign of affection and with the way Yeonjun decorated it, it could only go down well with her. The different colored roses, each more beautiful than the other, were in pastel colors, as was the string that connected them. Yeonjun's eyes were focused on the thorns, snapping some off with a pair of small pliers so that no one stung themselves. In the background he heard Kai talking to a customer. This time his mother sat behind the cash register and was happy to receive the wishes of her customers. This family, the Huenings, was well known in this part of the city. Still, apart from the job, Kai didn't seem to have any entertainment. In any case, he once mentioned that he did next to nothing on the weekend, except to gamble. He even invited Yeonjun once, but he preferred to spend his evenings in a club.

For Kai's young 23 years he was really a couch potato, something his mother often complained about.

Sometimes you could even hear her accusing him of just sitting in front of the computer all the time. The youngest Huening didn't really defend himself against his mother's allegations because he knew she had a bad day sometimes and accepted it.

In such a case, Yeonjun was glad not to live with his parents anymore. There was no one telling him what to do and what not to do and he could make his own decisions. With his age, this was normal too, but the pink-haired man was already self-employed in his teenage years, at least for a few things. Ordering and cooking was another matter, he preferred to leave that to his brother.

When the young lady Kai had spoken to left the shop, his mother let out a pitiful sigh. "Darling, will you bring Yeonjun the new load of flowers, it's in the warehouse in the big basket," the pink-haired man heard the woman say and peeked briefly into the entrance area. Although he was mostly quiet here in his room, Ms. Huening had a loud voice and so he heard her as if she were standing next to him.

"Yes, Mum," mumbled Kai, immediately disappeared into the warehouse and came back with a large basket. When he put it down next to Yeonjun, he noticed the small smile on his lips.

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