Chapter Twenty-Four

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New York, United States, 1952


I was running around in the middle of the woods, frantically trying to find a way out. I honestly had no idea how I managed to get so deep into the trees without seeing something. I suddenly tripped as my foot got caught in a root. I fell smack onto my stomach, knocking the air right out of me. My lungs screamed for oxygen as I brought my knees under me.

"," I said through gasping breaths.

I was terrified. The image of that flash of silver haunted my mind. Someone was watching me, and I feared the worst. Instantly, I was regretting coming to the woods. I should've toughened up and got over the fact that I couldn't handle being without Bucky, then I wouldn't have been in that situation.

"Stupid, stupid." I said as I thumped my hand on my forehead.

Tears threatened to escape my eyes but there was no way I was letting that happen. I suddenly became curious of the flash of silver that I saw. I wasn't entirely sure that it was 'someone' watching me; more that it was 'something' watching me. Whatever it was, I wanted to find out.

I slowly hopped up and took a deep, calming breath. Before I walked off, I examined my surroundings. The trees that were thick around me were pine trees. They whistled in the wind, bringing the memories of hiding at the Hydra base while I was on my mission. It sent shivered down my spine, especially as I thought about the ghost that I saw. I began getting cold as night was cast upon me. I had been down there for a long time, Peggy would have been getting worried. But I still had to find that 'thing'.

"Where are you?" I asked quietly, stepping into the scrub.

I walked slowly and carefully, trying my hardest to be mouse quiet. I tiptoed along, stopping every now and then to take a glance behind me. Then I would keep going. A short while later I could see the lights of the city through the trees. I was disheartened at the thought of not finding that 'thing'.

"Next time," I said to myself, making it sound like it was a game. At least it got my mind off Barnes for a while.

Just as I was about to run my way home, a twig snapped behind me. I jumped a mile out if my skin and before I knew it, I was glowing golden. Like usual, it shocked me until I remembered what it was.

Defence mechanism to the max...

I held my hand out to try and coax whatever it was to come out of hiding. But nothing did.

"Must've been an animal," I said to myself.

In a blink of an eye I was tackled to the ground. It was a man dressed in thick, heavy, black clothing. He wore a mask and goggles, his brown hair was almost shoulder length. A flesh hand covered my mouth and his body pinned me to the ground. In the corner of my eye I could see a metal limb. My god how alien I thought it was.

My heart thumped in my chest. I tired to move but I just couldn't. I tried screaming, but again I couldn't. My skin was still glowing golden and as he tried to inject something into me, it glowed more. The syringe tried to pierce my skin, but it couldn't. He may as well of tried giving a rock a needle. I could tell that he was confused, even though I couldn't see his face. I honestly thought I was going to die.

Let it be quick...

Out of nowhere a golden spherical shield exploded from me, making the man fly backwards a few meters. I took the chance, getting up and running as fast as I could towards the city. Every time I looked back I would just see the flashing movement of a silver arm as the man ran after me. So I ran faster.

Go. Go . Go.

I didn't yell or scream as I ran, I didn't feel the need to. You should've seen how fast I was going, I couldn't believe that I was running so fast. Soon enough I made it to the first set of street lights and I began to slow down, taking a look behind me. He was standing a hundred meters or so behind me, just watching. I straightened up to get a better look, then he turned and ran back into the woods, the flash of his silver arm being the last thing I saw of him.


I walked up the stairs of the Griffith - Hostel for Women, making my way to my room. I walked quietly, hoping not to let Peggy see me. But that failed miserably. As I walked into my room, I was confronted with a sickly worried Peggy Carter.

"I can explain," I said, putting my hands up in surrender.

"You don't need to explain," she said as she hopped off my bed and walked over to me. "Just please don't do that to me again."

I thought for a second. I wasn't sure if I should've told her about that man, or just promise to not do that to her again. I decided against telling her about the man.

"I promise I won't do it again. I'm sorry Peggy," I said and she embraced me in a hug.

I returned the hug, wondering how she didn't find any pine needles stuck in my coat or anything. The image of the man and his silver arm was engraved in my mind. There was no way that I would've been able to unsee it. Every flash if silver I saw from then instantly brought the memory of him back to me. It haunted me. A flash of Peggy's hair clip started the beginning of that torture. I shied away from her quickly and uneasily.

"Are you alright!?" She asked worriedly.

I stood bent over, hands resting on my knees as I tried to calm my breathing.

"I-I'm fine," I said with a small smile to reassure her.

I knew she was skeptical about my answer but she still took my word. She came over and rubbed my back gently.

"I'm going to get some sleep, I have work tomorrow and so do you so I suggest you sleep as well. We'll walk together so be ready to leave at seven," she said in an orderly fashion.

"Ok. Goodnight Peggy," I said, standing upright to give her one last hug.

She smiled and left my room quietly. I did what she said and got into bed after having a shower and dressing into my night gown. But I wouldn't sleep. The image of the man and his silver arm haunting and tormenting my every thought, in every corner of my mind.


"Ok, we're in her head. We have control of her now sir."

"Good. Now bring her home."

"Yes sir."

"Get the asset ready! We're bringing our girl home!"


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