Chapter Nine

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On The Run, Germany, 1942


Halfway through the journey back we ended up getting a flat tyre. Ryan was so pissed off that he kicked the truck so hard that it left a huge dent in it.

"Jesus Ryan! Calm down! We just have to change the tyre," I said to him.

"We've got less than twenty minutes to change the damn thing before someone comes," he replied trying to make a point.

"We can do it if we all work together. C'mon man think positive," I encouraged him.

He huffed before getting Carlisle and Michael out of the truck to help us. It only took us just over ten minutes to change the tyre and we were moving again.

"How much longer?" Ryan asked me.

"Well considering that we're going three times less the normal speed, I'd say that we have a few hours left," I replied.

We had to go so slow as to not put Sniper in any pain. He was doing well considering he got shot in the stomach and we couldn't get the bullet out. He was constantly telling us that he would be ok and that we don't have to go so slow. But we never went any faster.

It was just after dark when I could see the boom gates for the 107th camp. No one had yet noticed us because we didn't put our lights on, just incase we were seen by unwanted eyes.

"Ryan look!" I yelled as we approached the boom gates.

"We made it!" Michael yelled.

We all began to cheer as we rolled up to the guard that stood at the gate. I popped my head out of the window when he came up to the truck uneasily.

"Identify yourself!" He commanded.

"Private William Jackson of the 107th, sir," I said back sounding as if I were puffed out.

Great, back to being a man.

"Jackson? You're presumed to be dead," he replied in shock.

"Well I most certainly am not," I replied with a grin. "These are my comrades that escaped the base with me." I gestured towards the others.

"Private Ryan Turner of the 102nd ," Ryan said "and they are Private Carlisle Carson, Private Michael Boyd and Sergeant John Carter - all of the 102nd."

"You're the troops that were captured by Hydra yes?" The guard questioned.

"Positive sir, and we are the only survives," Ryan replied.

"Well alright then. I'm gonna have to get y'all to hop of out the truck since it's not US Army," he directed and with a smile on his face he opened the gate for us.

We all hopped out, Michael and Ryan carried Sniper while Carlisle and I walked at the front. I held my gun in my hands for show, as did Carlisle. I glanced at him with a smile, I was so proud of us all.

As we walked the way up to the camp, Sniper began talking.

"I just wanna tell you guys how much I appreciate what you've done for me. I wouldn't have been here if it weren't for you all," he said happily.

"Thank Maria, it's because of her that you're here now," Ryan said.

"You guys are my troop, no matter what happens," Sniper said back.

"Hey everyone, look! It's Private Jackson!" Someone from in the camp yelled.

In a matter of seconds we had soldiers all circled around us, patting us on the backs and saying 'glad you're ok' or 'how did you get out?'. I caught a sight of Barnes and my stomach began to flutter.

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