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ukiyo: living in moment, detached from bothers of life

raindrops hitting rooftop
soaking dry tears in veins

tiny mud puddles at hilltop
blowing the string of worries in drain

letting go some future fantasy
or ruining expectancy

living one exquisite moment
once in a day

not afraid of fastening tomorrow
or closing past

residing a london life
at each vicinity of heart

idle talks to oneself near
sidewalks in park

calm wind rustling around
laughing at one's bad jokes

tiny pleasant memories to
keep for the brim of life

shiny albums, classical films
all making sense at once

caravan moving on zigzag
pathway of road tripping

screaming with wind ruffles
carpe diem at top of our lungs

sound sleep at foot of bed
foolish ways to reason

the norm of fun
milliseconds adorned at

all the best it ever been
everything for just one time

in the name of you only
live once

⚞ ᪣᪣⚟

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