
60 13 26

dalliance: a period of brief or casual involvement with something

the irony of something forbidden
is like never coinciding day and night
river diverging towards two upcoming path
finally meeting in between the ocean

thrashed, tongue tied
drowning from the unfulfilled agonies within
a aphasiac language of love
spoken by eyes and beats

made unrequited by;
unintentional lies
thirsty lust
forced reputation

still, their passion reaches every crevice, wingless
possessing something untamed by clouds of time
crashes, like catastrophic waves of blue tides

and yet if someone ask them
how love feels like
a salty water from hearts depth
oozing out time to time
tangled in murky green algae

two unmended souls drank
on something paradoxical
in the hell

⚞ ᪣᪣⚟

a/n:- even our own existence is paradoxical...thoughts on this piece?

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