13-Full Moon

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Remus's POV

It's been a week since the whole seven-minutes-in-heaven-debacle. It's been very awkward. I've been hanging out with Lily most of the time. I just need a break from the Marauders or whatever we used to be. I haven't seen Pads which I don't really mind at the moment. Dorcas and Marlene are finally talking again, I also feel like I have more time for myself. I think that's good? I don't know anymore. Classes started again. I'm still top of the class in transfiguration. I just- I don't know what to do! Will this stupid mistake ruin the Marauders forever?! I need to get to potions in time.

"Hey Remmy!!!"

"Hi Lily, how are you?"

"I'm fine thank you."

"And how are things with Prongs, Oh exUsE mE, youR stUpiD GiT."

"We're fine, I'm still processing everything but we'll get there."

"Well at least it's been shutting Severus up."

"Yeah... About that...."

"Please don't tell me you're going back to him!"

"No, not necessarily. But he's asked me to talk to him. Said he left some things unsaid. I understand if you disapprove I just-"

"I won't stop you." She looks flustered and scared at the same time.

"He was you friend for a very long time, it's your decision."

She's strong, she'll do what she believes is right. And I trust her in that, if James doesn't then he doesn't deserve her.

*time skip*

Potions was an absolute nightmare!! I had to work with Snape because us Marauders split up and Prongs and Lily are a thing now. He corrected me All. The. Time. It was SO annoying! And then Prongs had to make some inappropriate jokes and then I messed up and EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG TODAY!!! Transfiguration and herbology were fine, now I have a free period and then classes are done for today.

Tonight is a full moon. I'm extremely scared, I've kept my distance from my friends so I don't know how bad it will be. I need some quiet, somewhere I can be alone with my thoughts before tonight is going to happen.


"Hey Pads? Have you spoken with Moony yet?"

".....nooooo....... :)"

*James slaps himself in the face*

"You really need to! Tonight is a full moon! We don't know what could happen if he gets there without having -whatever this is- sorted out!"

"I just- I can't, I can't talk to him. I don't know what to do and I just want everything to go back to the way it used to be!"

"We both know that's not possible"


"Would it help if all four of us were there? That way it doesn't have to be just the two of you, would that help?"

"I don't know"

He looks like he could burst out in tears any second. He doesn't.

*time skip*

"My dearest Lilyflower, have you seen Remus?"

"Yeah you cheesy git, why?"

"Because, light of my life, I'm looking for him and he has this weird ability to somehow disappear in thin air."

"Well, you annoying sweetheart, I think he's down by the lake."

"Thank you oh Great Gorgeousness!"

"Please never call me that again." She's turning red.

"Can't promise anything, plus, you seem to like it." A cocky smile follows and I lean in to give her a kiss.

"Just shut up" She says in a playful tone. Her hair so beautifully red in the sunlight. Her eyes piercing my soul. Ready for a kiss. I can feel her breath on my lips. So close, I crave it. Then she stops, laughs and walks away.

"YOU, OH GREAT GORGEOUSNESS, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!" I yell at her with a big smile while she walks away.
She throws a loving middle finger up at me as she turns around the corner.

Now I gotta go find Moony. Lily said he was down at the lake, perhaps he's still there. But how on earth am I gonna convince these two to talk?! Because we all know now that they like each other, Pads is just too scared to admit it and Moony is scared of the rejection. OMG I have an EviL plan!


As I am sitting underneath a tree at the lake, David Bowie playing through my headphones, there's suddenly a little piece of fine (expensive) parchment falling down in my lap. Whut the-
There's no one in the tree so where did it come from?! As I open it up I stop thinking about that because it's Hogwarts, you just have to accept that stuff like this happens.


I turn the piece around and all it says is REMUS.
I can't recognize the handwriting. Oh well, what do I have to lose.

*time skip 10 min later*

There's never anyone here, like ever. I think as I enter the corridor with the entrance to the prefect bathroom, and as far as I know, it is a fact and the only ones who actually come here are Lily and me. I'd love to see her now, talk to her, with the full moon coming and no friends by my side. I enter. I just think she's an amazing friend and like-

I see him sitting with his beautiful legs in the water, on the edge of the big basin, his pants rolled up to his knees, his shoes someplace I don't care about. His dark hair held up in a messy bun by his wand. What do I say? How do I react? How will he react?

"Ehm, did you write the note?" my mouth blurts out. He looks at me, kind of shocked, and tells me how it was he who got sent a note that told him to meet someone here. "Fucking Prongs" , I can hear him say under his breath. "Look Sirius I-" I start saying. But he cuts me of by yelling he's sorry. Sorry for what?! For leaving, for forgetting my existence, fot the kiss for what Sirius, for what! I want to yell but the words get stuck in my throat as I hear him say that everything was a mistake and how we should just forget about it and how he wants things to go back to the way they were before so we can be friends. Yeah, like I want that. Like he wants that. I just want to scream how he's lying to himself now but I can't. Everything's just too much. And shit I'm hungry and angry and if I don't leave now I'm going to burst out in anger and yell things that I'm going to regret. "ok" is all I'm able to bring out before I turn on my heels and speedwalk out.

After dinner madame Pomfrey takes me to the shack.

Sorry it takes so long! I hope u like it :)

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