Rumor has it

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-Your POV-
I have been sick for about 4 days now all I have done is sleep and lay around, headaches, body ache. chills you name it I got it.  I kicked Laine out of our room until I get better.. he can't afford to get sick with his tour coming up..

"Hey babe" my beautiful boy poked his head around the cracked door, he half smiled at me
" not any better I'm guessing by the way you gave me a mean face" he said coming closer
"Nope I have tried everything to get rid of this cold or whatever but it's not budging" I said sniffling
"Well all you can do is sleep" I nodded
"I know but I just really wanted to go to lake with you and your family but I'm just so sick" he shook his head
"No no your staying in bed and relaxing for the day and I'm staying with you" he said kissing my head going to climb in next to me.
"No!! You go! You go have fun with your family I'll be in the same place I was when you left believe me I ain't movin" I said shaking my head
He just looked at me unsure
"Are you sure? I really wouldn't mind staying home with you.. help you get better" he said looking at me
"Yes! I'll be fine besides like you said sleep is the only thing that will help me right now!" I said lightly smiling, he smiled back and nodded "Okay fine but you need me at all you pick up your phone and call me." He said sounding protective I just nodded and started to slip into a light sleep.
-Laines POV-

I feel bad leaving her here so sick, but she's right she does need sleep..
I proceeded to get myself ready and head to same lake my family goes to every year.

As I'm getting there and walking over to my mom and hug her and girl caught my eye from afar, she's familiar. We all start to talking and I set up my pole and toss the line into the water waiting for a bite, I quickly check my phone to make sure my beautiful girl didn't contact me. "Y/N still sick??" My mom asked me sitting in her chair beside me.
"Yeah she can't seem to kick it, she wanted to be here so bad but she needed rest, I was gonna stay with her but she kicked me out" I said laughing she laughed as well
"Sounds like her, that girls and fighter she will kick it soon enough, just be sure to help her and make she gets her rest Thats all you can do while nature runs it course" she said to me I just nodded. That girl caught my eye again. This time coming towards me. Shit it's my ex Gracie.

"Hey! Laine!!!" She said pretty happy.. I was kind of taken back when she went in for a hug. My family just looked at me and then her. "Her mrs hardy!" She said to my mom. "Hey.." she said faintly not wanting to talk to her.  "Anyways can I get a picture with you since your famous now??" I just nodded 'just get it over with' " mom will you?" she just nodded looking at me unsure. I smiled  and the camera went off "Thanks" she smiled at me with love in her eyes, I got uncomfortable, I slipped out my phone and checked it still nothing.
"Well I Better get going y/n still hasn't answered me so I better go check on her" I said looking at mom and at Gracie "it was nice to see ya" I said going to walk away. "Wait!! Your still with y/n??" She asked with a look in her eye "uh yeah?? why wouldn't I be she's amazing.. I know in my heart I will marry that girl" I said walking towards my mom "I love you mom I'll see you guys later" I hugged the rest of them and went home.

No sooner then I got about 30 mins into my drive tabloids was booming. "Laine hardy cheating????"
"Laine and his new fling at the lake!"
"Who's the new girl and where's y/n?"
There's plenty more articles where is is coming from it's about a  2 hour drive home so I know my baby will see this before I get there to explain.

Your POV
I finally woke up laine still wasn't home so I got up to use the rest room and check my phone
Text from laine asking if I'm okay.  I responded and went on Twitter. My heart broke.
"Who's the new girl and where's y/n?" My heart didn't wanna click on the picture but my brain was ahead of me ..
'Laine and his ex grace spotted at the lake, looks like the former couple are getting  closer, the main question is "where's y/n??' Did Laine push her to the side for Gracie?? Who knows! Keep up with us and updates on the drama.'

I had no words.. what was she doing there?  How did she let this out so fast? Why didn't he say anything?? I trust him. I don't trust her. As soon as the first tear dropped laine came through our door
His face dropped at my tears "I know this looks really bad but it's not what it looks like" he said already knowing.
"Why didn't you tell me she was there? How she get it out so fast?" I asked with more tears I just hugged him as tight as I could " I honestly didn't know it was her until she came up to us and I think she wanted to do this she asked if we was still together and when I told her yes there was this look in her eyes" he said to me hugging my so tight "I love you and I would never hurt you on purpose" he said kissing my Lips lightly. " I love you more now We need to get this rumor cleaned up" I said looking up at him he nodded pulling out his phone.

That sucked
Word count:1047

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