He scares your kids.

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Me and Liane have been fighting a lot recently. But it has never been loud enough for our kids to hear. For all they know me and their dad are perfect.


It was 3 AM and Laine hasn't came home from partying yet. I was worried. So were our kids. The girls finally had fallen asleep but our son Aidan stayed up with me much to my dismay.

"Buddy you need to get some sleep I'm sure your dad is fine okay?"

"No mom. I want to know my dad is okay and safe." The 15 year old insisted.

"Fine will you atleast go check on your baby sisters then?" I said trying to get him out of the room so I could call Laine.

"Sure" he caved and went upstairs to check on his 2 sisters.

I called.

" Hi you've reached Liane, sorry I can't answer your call right now, I will you call you back as soon as I can!"


' Laine Hardy you need to come home.  You are worrying me & our children'

I hung up and put my phone on the counter.

A few minutes passed and the front door finally opens.  In comes a Very drunk and wobbling Laine.

" hey baby!" He said going to kiss me

I dodged him

"No! One you smell like alcohol and two you can't just leave us here worrying and then act like its okay!"

"Omg y/n! You aren't my mother! I'm a grown man and I can do what I want!" He said yelling a little.

"Shh! In case you forgot we have kids upstairs". I said trying not to wake them up.

"Don't shush me! Its my house I can be as loud as I want" he said louder.

"Whatever Laine. Our kids are asleep and I'm going to bed. You can have the couch tonight" I said walking past him. He grabbed me wrist a little tight

"No. I'm not sleeping on this couch!"

"Let go your hurting me!" I said softly so Aidan couldn't hear.

He gripped tighter.

"Laine! Stop it!" I said louder.

"Dad! Stop what are you doing to my mom!" Aidan said rushing in the room the girls closely behind him.

"Go to bed guys! Its past y'alls bed times anyway." He said anger clear in his voice.

"Not until you let my mom go!" Aidan said.

"I SAID GO TO BED GUYS!" he yelled causing the 4 of us to jump.

Aidan's eyes widened. The girls starting whimpering.

I pushed Laine off me and looked at him horrified at the person he had become.

"You can take out your anger on me but you will not take it out on my kids!" I said looking at him pissed off.

I grabbed the girls

"Come on Aidan. Your dad needs some time on his own for a while. Come help put your sisters to sleep." We all walked upstairs and Laine stayed down stairs  still in shock.

I put the girls in their beds and kissed their heads. 

"Is daddy okay mommy?" Amara looked up at me.

"Yeah baby daddy will be okay. Mommy made him mad but everything will be okay by morning okay?" She nodded and rolled over to go to sleep.

I closed the door behind me.

"Mommy are you and daddy gonna get a divorce?" Darcy asked me as I carried her to her bed.

Laine was standing in the door way watching me kiss her head.

"No baby girl. Mommy and daddy still love each other very much. Daddy just got mad and lost his temper but it will all go away soon. Okay?"

"Tay" she said.

"I love you baby girl"

" I love you too mommy"

I walked towards the door and laine moved I shut the door. Aidan stood in the hallway staring at Laine as if he was gonna hurt me again.

"Come here" I said opening my arms towards my boy

He ran and hugged me.

"Its okay. I'm okay. Your dad is okay.  Now go get some sleep." I kissed his head. 

He wasn't convinced until I nodded and nudged him towards his room.

"You better not hurt my mom or  I might hurt you" he said closing his door.

I looked at Laine and he looked sad.

"What the hell is your deal dude?! You have never lost your temper like that! Especially at the kids. What's going on"

"I'm so sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I scared them. I'm so so so sorry this is all happening. I love you all so much and I just have been stressed and I don't know I thought  a few drinks would help but they didn't." He said letting a tear fall.

" oh baby come here, its okay" I said hugging him.

"Lets go to bed. You can apologize to them in the morning"

He would never do anything like that.

Word count: 823


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