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Kai and Iris had a meeting with the King and Queen after the wedding ceremony. The time to fight for their people had began.

"I know that you two have no feelings for each other, but for the sake of the Kingdom, find an equilibrium. Don't forget, we are nearing the war. Anytime I fear," the queen said.

Iris nodded her head. That's why she was here, for her people.

After a long discussion, Iris wanted nothing but to sleep. She yawned as she stood up and left before the Prince. The corridors were quiet, with one or two servants walking around.

She motioned to one of them.
"Yes, your majesty," The servant bowed in greetings and for a moment iris wondered if she would ever be used to that.

"can you show me to the Prince's chambers?"

"Sure your majesty. This way."

Palin watched in pure anger as Iris disappeared into the chambers.

"No, no, no, they can't sleep in the same room. I have to do something."

She paced around her new room, that's when she saw the glow on a hidden object behind her a heap of clothes.

She picked it up, flicked her thumb and middle finger and the glow disappeared to be replaced by a face.

" Mother! "

" Black rose."

Queen Mandarin, smiled at her daughter.
Palin could feel the bile raise in her throat. She knew her mother was evil, she did not like failures.

"where is the crown? I heard there was a wedding. You are the queen now!"

Palin swallowed inaudibly and nodded.

Kai walked through the corridors in a mayhem of wild thoughts. He was married, he loved his consort instead, he was to spend the night with his wife, he would be a King soon. This and many more thoughts made him restless and only one person could help him sleep.

Palin heard the knock on the door and dropped the mirror in horror. Who was it? After quickly hiding the broken pieces, she opened the door to see Kai standing there still in his wedding attire.

"Won't you welcome me inside."

Iris covered her ears with the second pillow to stop the unpleasant noise coming from the Consort's room. She wondered if they had the right to put her room next to where she would be sleeping.

That man was indeed shameless! He could at least have waited for one night before he could spend the night with the consort. It wasn't wrong but it didn't mean she didn't feel helpless and vulnerable. She felt the first tear make a trail down her temple to her ear as she gazed blankly at the ceiling.

That would be her life? Listening to the king, her husband have sex with the consort in the next room?

She questioned the norms for the first time but no one was their to answer. For the first time she blamed the goddess for the mysterious disappearance of the Savior. If she had been here then, Iris would be home, listening to his brother tell her of his adventures.

The thought of her brother brought more tears to her eyes. Her heart felt heavy as she rocked her sobbing body back and forth.

She had thought it would be easier to live as a queen if she thought of the people. Iris was never selfish but she was human and whether she was in love or not she was Kai's wife.

She wanted to talk to someone who understood but she couldn't leave the palace and go home to her father. Her father would understand. Every time she was restless or worried, he would put her to sleep.

But that was snatched away from her.

She cried until she couldn't. Reality hit back soon when she listened and everything was quiet and peaceful.

Iris stepped out of the bed, took a shower and dressed up in her training attire. She walked down the steps to the training grounds.

If anything, Iris had made her decision last. She was a warrior and her duty to protect her people weighed more than her desire to get love.

The kingdom came first. And that was final. The underlying hurt would disappear soon, she hoped as she picked a sword and swirled it around in graceful motion as if fighting an invisible person. She would occasionally do one or two mid air strikes landing softly on her feet.

'You have to come.'

Iris turned around to see who said that but the grounds were empty.

The palace's many buildings were quiet as people there were still asleep.

Iris never hallucinated so she could have sworn she heard the voice.

Could it be....

"who is there," she asked to no one in particular.

'you have to come, before it's too late.'

The voice was surely real and she felt a feeling of familiarity. Like she have heard it before but where?

"Where should I come?"

No answer.

Iris heard a worm feeling on her right hand where the wedding thread was tied. That's when she saw it. The thread was glowing.

Was the prince in danger?

Iris dropped her sword and rushed up the stairs to the Consort's room.

She peered through the keyhole.

Palin was awake but what she held in her hand made Iris nearly drop in disbelief.

The object was mentioned in her childhood many times. The mirror owned by the Black Rose. It had a lot of dark magic. She wasn't aware of its full powers yet. Apart from that, the face of the person talking to Palin... She had seen it somewhere. But where?

Iris was so shocked, she felt her legs give in and she dropped to the floor. She felt dizzy and she felt sick. How did she miss that?

The same thing had happened to Indie. She fell in love with the dark prince. The prince has now fallen in love with the dark princess.

They were living with their enemy in the palace and she was their chosen consort.



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