14. Unexpected Errand

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When the meal was done, the topic which everyone was afraid of mentioning was now brought up.

They had to look for help according to Elder Pai.
The problem was where would they get help from.
As the discussion continued, Prince Kai noticed that Iris was mentally not there. He nudged her subtly using his leg but she didn't move.

Iris wanted to plan her escape that night to look for the voice. She was given two maid servants who at her request didn't follow her around. So that was nothing to worry about.

If by any chance, the search takes the whole night, she wouldn't be back before daybreak. And by how much she knew her father, he would turn the kingdom inside out to find her. She had to leave early and come back before anyone notices.

She was brought back to the present by her name being called by the queen.

"What do you think?" The queen asked.

Iris wondered what they could be talking about. What was she supposed to think about? She looked at Kai and found him trying to hide his amused smile. When Kai noticed her gaze he cleared his throat...

"I think it's a good idea," Iris

"You will go?" Kai asked in surprise.

"Uuum, yeah?"

Where was she going? Iris looked around and found that all eyes were on her. Some surprised, Kai looked at her with an unknown emotion and to her shock Palin had a smirk on her face, she looked satisfied?

Turns out after a long discussion, which she did not take part in, the king and the council had decided to take drastic measures and visit the only witch in the kingdom. It was not the best option but was the only one.

A old lady with long snow white hair, with a permanent sick smile on her face, deep eyes, and a magic wand? Yes, that was her.

Iris had never met her, but the tell tales she had heard from her late grandmother were enough to make her want to rethink her decision.

She has the power to turn a person into a frog.

Iris remembered that tale and she visibly shuddered.

"She lives in an isolated cave at the forbidden forest, go east at the edge of the forbidden forest and follow the blue stream. It will lead you to Dala mountain, it won't be hard to locate her then." sir Pai directed and gave her a small map showing her the major landmarks she had to come across.

She nodded her head, took the map and left.

In the heat of the discussions she had forgotten about the library saga but remembered it now as she walked down the palace hallways.

Back in the hall she had noticed that Kai left earlier.

She decided to avoid him at all costs but not Kai.

The prince was leaning on one of the pillars in the hallway and iris didn't notice until he pulled her and pinned her against the pillar.

She gasped in surprise and tried to free herself from his grip to no avail.

He held her left hand above her head while his left hand snaked up her right hand which was free on her side.

She gulped. He was at it again.

"you can't forget what happened in the hall, Iris," he breathed the words on her left ear.

He snaked his left hand round her waist and pressed her against himself.

Iris gasped when she felt it. He was aroused. Shocked, she looked up and noticed that he was already looking at her.

Iris knew what was going on. The sacred bond between the two would make them unable to resist the desire to be together but this would be purely physical. She had hoped that since Prince Kai loved Palin, he would ignore the feeling but here he was.

She wasn't going to allow this to go on even if it was nearly impossible for her to resist the pull. She had self-respect at least.

Prince saw the change of emotions on Iris's face, from desire, shock and then anger. He was confused.

She brought her eyes up and looked up at him. The look in her eyes was enough to make him let go and gulped.

"What was that?"
"I.. I... I'm sorry"
"Listen, if you think you are going to have your way with both of your women then you are wrong." Iris hissed and then laughed sarcastically, "You are really something Kai, if I remember correctly you said you married me for revenge and you would never be anywhere near me. So now, resist that bond and leave me alone."

Iris walked away leaving the prince looking after her. He knew what Iris was saying made sense. He loved Palin, or so he thought. Since the last few days, he could have sworn he didn't think of her. Iris had been on his mind, words and even dreams. He wanted her close.

He didn't know when he started comparing the two women on his life. He doesn't remember when he stopped feeling the same way towards Palin. No sparks, no butterflies and no the always present eagerness to see her.

He knew Palin was always the type of a girl who didn't like military works or politics. She made it clear that she wouldn't help in things concerning warfare. But he would be a King, he needed someone to help him. Someone who loved him enough to accompany him during raids, help him in making political decisions. He knew he needed that person.

Kai groaned and unconsciously hit the pillar in front of him with his right hand. He didn't feel the pain. He looked at the bracelet on his hand and touched it. It was what bonded him and Iris.

Palin walked in on the prince and gasped in shock. His knuckles were bleeding and he, he was just staring blankly at the chandelier.

"Kai! What happened?" she asked as she knelt in front of him and taking his hand to inspect it.

He should have felt cared for, after all she was concerned. He felt nothing but irritation. He had to swallow the lump in his throat and stood up,

"Nothing to worry about,
" but it's bleeding "
Kai was getting frustrated, he turned and looked at her not so kindly, and she frowned

" I thought I said I'm fine. "

Palin was taken aback and wondered why the prince was acting so distant.

She had to be on good terms with him today because all her plans would be destroyed. One chance came when Iris decided to leave that night for the mountains to look for the witch. She would be alone with the prince.

Kai took his sword and left. He needed to forget about all this for now. Palin ran after him.

Iris walked on, feeling all kinds of emotions, she felt sad because that was what her life would be like, she felt the despair brewing in the distance because her kingdom was in danger but there was hope and so there was an happy emotion, and then her mind involuntarily took her to the PRINCE. He looked hurt for a moment before slightly nodding his head when she told him all that back then.
Then she was confused because  she realized she could wield magic.
All this happened in a short notice and she had bottled it up to a point where she felt so frustrated. She reached her room and took her sword. She had to deal with her frustration or forget for a moment.

Unkown to them, they would both meet at  the training grounds.


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