4. WHAT?

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The training square was an open ground with different stations for different training skills. Archery, sword skills and weight lifting.

On one side, near the ground floor of the palace stood the statues of the goddess, known warriors, Nelik and The saviors in order of the years they led the people to war.

Iris always sympathized with the goddess mother over the pain of losing one of her own to the dangerous fangs of the dark. Indie's story had been told to them as kids and now as a grown up, she still found it quite difficult to believe the difference in choice. Nelik has chosen light while Indie had chosen the path of destruction. Doom. How could that have been possible?

Iris jumped and swirled mid air and released the arrow before landing softly on her feet.

"Bull's eye, Iris," Athens could not help but admire his sister's skills. He had arrived a few minutes ago and decided to observe quietly... Before now.

Athens and Iris' relationship was good despite not seeing each other more oftenly. Iris would always watch from afar as her brother saught for her attention, the longing in his eyes everytime she had to immediately leave to take up her duty. She saw it all. Despite his lack of his sister's attention, Athens understood and he used the time he got alone with her to the fullest.

"Can I join you?" Athens asked as he joined his sister at the swords cabinet.

"Sure," her voice was soft almost soothing and Athens chuckled remembering how she had silenced the crowd last night.

The prince watched in admiration at the pair moving almost in sync at the squire.


She moved effortlessly, every movement was well calculated. She used her sword so skillfully, he could have sworn he was no match for him. She was faster and more flexible.

He was yet to meet her. Being the daughter of the senior Elder made her almost a royal family.

They would make good friends, he decided.

Iris, later sat opposite her brother and listened to him talk about everything.

She could not help realize how his face shined when she acknowledged his jokes, when she smiled or patted his hair. She felt the familiar pang of guilt but swallowed the uneasiness.

In the next birth, she hoped to be Athens sister and only for the purpose of fulfilling her duty to her brother all her life but for now she would fulfill her duty to the people and the royal family. That eased her tension.

The Prince came down from the second floor, where he was watching the pair and made his presence know after coming down.

Iris saw him before Athens and nudged him. Athens nearly broke his leg because of how fast he stood up to bow to the prince.

Iris, observed as her brother made a fool out of himself and rolled her eyes mentally. She was always not one to give respect unless acquired.

She took her time, returning the sword to its place and walked up to the Prince, looked at him for a moment and did the unthinkable by passing past him without any acknowledgement.

The Princes eyes widened in surprise and Athens held back his smirk. Much for being a egocentric man, Athens mused and run after Iris.
Elder Markus, the King and The queen watched in pure amusement at the audacity of Iris and was that a hurt expression on Prince Kai's face!!

Kai looked at the retreating figure of Iris and clenched his hand over his sword's handle. He wasn’t used to not being respected or ignored by females. He after all he boasted of good looks which could attract both men and women.

His ego was definitely hurt and Iris would pay for it, the idea made him smile smugly before turning back and walking back to the palace.

Palin observed all this through her window and wondered if by any chance, the behavior of the warrior was because of her presence.

Back in their house, Athens couldn't stop repeating the scenerio to Follis who was laughing her head off.

"Enough," Iris breathed irritated as she poured herself some herb tea and settled across the two fools.

It wasn't rude at all. He broke the rules and until he corrected that mistake she was not going to bow to him. Simple
In his chambers the prince angrily paced around. He was the prince and he was to be respected and that too included acknowledging is presence with a greeting and a bowed head.... Heck they should even desire his attention but that woman dared go against that. He couldn't take it in.

Unknown to these two, Prince Kai and Iris, a meeting in the palace had been called, discussions were madeand decisions were concluded and the King sealed their fate with a sign. It was done. His word was law and going against the law was considered treason.


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