You Have Five Seconds To Tell Me

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"Then the Prince found Cinderella. They were married the next day at noon and the evil step-mother and sisters were attacked by birds." Ambrose's read softly off the yellowing pages of the fairytale novel. His head slightly arched with curiosity. He gave a snort at the ending in disgust.

"This is definitely not the Disney version. Who even wrote this? This is way too-" he cut himself off once I begun to giggle. The sour look grew and he shut the cover.

"Why are you laughing, Bliss?"

Did he not understand how adorable he was right now? Of course I was finding his rare childish personality amusing. He seem so care free and happy. It was nice but quite funny.

"Oh nothing continue."

He gave a slight roll of his eyes before going ahead.

We sat in the front entry way of the medical house. A new scenery with open windows and easier view of the sun outside. The couch area was empty so we invaded the leather sofa. Ambrose sat at the last cushion, giving me more space to lay upon him.

We had already gone over my basic check up and come to the decision I was health enough to leave once Alpha David saw us. It hadn't been discussed where I would be going though. Ambrose kind of mentioned an extra guest bedroom at his cabin, a couple miles away but neither us brought it up again.

Usually I'd pester for more explaination but it was his decision to offer a place to stay. Not my forcing him to grant me permission in his household.

Weird, in the Three Little Pigs the wolf demands the piglet to open his door. Not the pig to the wolf. What a weird twist on a fairytale.

Thinking this I cringed slightly, oh no this makes me the pig. Sure my stomach could contain alot of food but I ate with manners, right?

"I don't snort oink either."

Ambrose cut the fairytale again with a bewildered expression. "Now what are you think about?"

The book found itself on the table. It sat there, page folded. Ambrose already knew we wouldn't be able to finishing it any time soon. He tried not to seem bothered by this fact.

Him and his novels. I swear it would be complete suicide even just trying to tear them apart. Back at college, he usually walked the halls nose in a text book. Often other students made comments about his studious behavior but never did it make an affect because the next day the man left class already starting a new chapter.

This is why Athena thought he was wondrous. All this knowledge he gained gave him such strength and rather than noticing it he did not know it was there. The reason he read was because it calmed his mind. Never did he do such a thing to be able to defeat others.

"When are we seeing Alpha David?"

"I'm not sure, him and Jason went on patrol hours ago."

They were still searching for her. They were taking precaution in hopes to keep the shadow creature from finding me. How I wish I could explain right at this moment that it wouldn't work. Pandeia was invincible. Not even a pure blood Were could stop her.

What made this situation worse was knowing if one of their pack members got in the way trying to protect us she wouldn't give a second thought to murdering them. This guilt struck me and I just hoped Alpha David show soon so I could tell him all these details.

"Bliss, stop doing that." Ambrose put his thumb between my eyebrows, smoothing the crinkle. "It's not attractive upon your face. If you are confused run the problem across to me."


He did not answer instead he steadily flipped us over. I laid below him red as a giant tomato while his mint breath hit against my lips. "Tell me, what has got you thinking so hard."

His deep voice made a shiver run. The tone was full of demand and need. It's silk laced words different than his usual friendly matter. I froze, lip between my teeth.

As much as I wanted him to know. As much as he pleaded it wasn't possible. Sharing this information was like throwing him in the battlefield beside me. If I couldn't survive, he at least had too.

Werewolves always told stories about how painful it was to live without their mates but he would make it. Ambrose was stronger than the average wolf. Him and Fever would easily get through the hurt. They had friends and other females ready to tend to their loneliness.

If he knew about Pandeia, he would not live. He either become her floor-matt or another soulless puppet in the God's quartz temple. Passed to Aphrodite then others once she finished use with him.

These sudden not so pleasurable images made me shake my head in his direction.

Those eyes watching darken with anger. Fever, his name rung as the grip on my waist tighten. He wasn't pleased by my response.

"Bliss, you have five seconds to tell me."

I made a face,"you think counting going to make me talk? I'm not a child!"

He grew closer, "one."

I felt his heartbeat against my chest. The sound so blissful next to mine. They ran together already on the same page.


So caught in the light noise I didn't notice his head buried in between my neck and shoulder. His breath hard on the sensitive skin. Goosebumps grew as evidence of shock.

The quick surprised gasp was spoken over when he wickedly curled his fingers behind my jean button and said, "three."

The button popped open by his thumb and I finally used my hands to shove him away. "Pandeia, okay." I screamed shaking uncontrollably. "You want to know that's got me all crazy in thought. It's Pandeia!"

"Pandeia...," he mumbled with a raise eye brow before putting his mouth against mine. He kissed me hard as if he were trying to steal away the fear her name brought.

I ran my hands threw his luscious brown hair pulling him closer. I allowed him permission to make us forget reality for awhile. The way his lips felt against my chap ones it didn't take much to only be stuck on him.

"Remind me," he whispered once our mouths part. The heat of his hands still on my waist. "If I ever need information out of you, you don't do so hot under pressure."

*Happy Monday Y'all! Here's a new chapter! Please vote and comment. (greatly appreciated). I know these chapters I have been short but this story is a rough draft in the near future I promise to make it longer and edit it. So please enjoy anyways!*

#New Update Soon

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