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We got off the greyhound a day later at this beautiful town. There were little shops everywhere and surrounding the place was plenty of woods. They spanned farther then the eye could see, enchanting the place with the strong scent of pine.

I stood there beneath the bus stop, toes curled and embracing the new place that would be my home for awhile. If I weren't on the run this would be a lovely home to start a family. It wasn't too populated yet enough to not feel lonesome.

I wonder how many kids Ambrose wanted. Three? Four? Maybe six? We could have healthy boys with his strong jaw and bad eye sight. They would also have a bit of my qualities like my farm blue eyes.

We would be happy. We'd go to pack meetings every Sunday. Make peanut butter cookies while Ambrose was at work then once he got back eat them on the porch. No worries except for the occasional accident.

Ambrose and I be so in love. I would make sure to kiss him everyday and date night a priority even when we didn't feel like trying. We would dance underneath the stars till we fell asleep in the others arms. Together.

When our boys would ask about soul mates or one muttered about love not being real. I would tell them to watch how my smile grow when their father came home. How I held his gaze even when he spoke nonsense. Our children never again would say such a thing.

"Bliss, are you joining us?"

I snapped from my day dream to see Molly and Lily holding hands. They were already half way down the block prepared to face the day. It was easy to see the restlessness left Molly. She was smile hugely with a sparkle in her eye.

On the bus ride here, she had told me her and Lily's story. Molly use to live with her parents up North. She was quite popular. She dated the Alpha's son and since he hadn't found his mate he swore to marry her.

When she discovered her pregnancy with Lily, they both were ecstatic that was until he ran into his mate. Her own sister. He dumped her and her own parents disowned her the same second.

For the longest time she and Lily been living in Seattle with a few friendly human who rented her a room above their café. Content Molly thought she never join a pack again. That was until her older brother showed.

"Come on, weird lady. Uncle is waiting for us!" Lily grumbled. She had a cross look upon her face.

Why I outta shake some manners into her, I frowned while catching up to them. Molly notice the displeasure and sent an apologetic look before sending Lily ahead to lead the way.

"She's got a personality that one." Molly chuckled as she hiked up her backup.

I readjusted my plastic target bag, nodding. "At least you know she won't let anybody get in her way when she wants something."

"True, but she needs a bit of a filter."

"Comes with age."

How true that statement was. I learnt back in grade school talking about the gods and goddesses got kids to think weird of me. They all often avoided playing with me as if I had the plague.

Hera always offered to turn them into cows but Zeus wouldn't have it. So Mother Selene said our families relations were a secret. None could no who my uncles were.

"Anyways, Bliss are you going to call him?"

I rose an eyebrow at Molly, "who?"

She giggled and bumped her shoulder gently against mine. "Ambrose, silly."

His name off her lips made me cringe. I stopped walking to hear how hard my heart was hammering. It felt ready to run away back to where it belonged. Next to Ambrose.

The crimson grew strong and I tried to hide from Molly's hopeless stare yet it was impossible. I shouldn't have told her about Ambrose but I couldn't lie when she asked if I had a mate. Saying no to her question be like breaking my bond to him.

"Nah, he's probably in the middle of work. I don't want to get in his way."

Don't want him to ask where I am, because if he did it would definitely slip past my lips.

Molly gave a roll of her eyes. "Taking a minute to talk to you, his soul mate, isn't getting in the way. You have to call him."

I should call him.

"Maybe later."

I wouldn't. He needed to focus on his job to the pack. I had to escape Pandeia. We couldn't be together. End of story.

But my heart couldn't except that notion. It wanted to listen to Molly and call him. Tell him how sorry I was. Ask him if our wedding could be outdoors near on the cliff.

"You better or I will," She threaten before we went onto a different topic. We were discussing food. If chocolate should in coffee. She was not so friendly to the idea but I thought it would be fantastic. Not all of us could be health freaks.

"Hey, don't hate on people who put chocolate syrup in their coffee."

She fake gaged, "disgusting. Chocolate is so rich putting it in coffee... Ew."

How did I become friends with her? How could she not love chocolate it was the best creation on Earth after Peanut Butter. Only aliens didn't like chocolate.

Oh no, she and Lily might be from another planet! This would explain for Lily's monstrous personality! Why didn't I think of this sooner?

I was ready to turn around and run from them. That was before something, more like somebody crashed into my figure. Their body harder than a bricks.

"Damn, watch where your going." The chest rumbled from beneath my nose.

I took a step back, frowning at the tone. He could at least say thank you. He's the one who had done personal damage to me. Not the other way around.

"Who do you think you are! Speaking to-" I stopped talking as soon as my sight made connection to the brick's face.

The jerk was handsome, no way around that. He had pale white skin and eyes of neon blue. They reminded me of polish sapphires on a late summer's day. I would call him Sapphire Brick.

Sapphire Brick met my stare. A weird expression upon his round face. It was a mix of happiness and something close to desire. He viscously begun to pat his tangles of burgundy hair, lower lip between his teeth.

We only looked at each other. Him debating something and me wondering what could he possibly thinking. Was he going to apologize after all? Did my slight lecture scare him? I knew I could be frightening but not so much they wouldn't do anything.

Molly finally figured I hadn't been following her and showed up as a bubble of joy. "Iriel, you found us!"

"Wasn't that hard, tracked your scent." Sapphire Brick or Iriel said without leaving his heavy gaze from me. "Whose your friend."

Molly sent a curious look my direction then introduce me, "this is Bliss Bridge she needs-"

"To come with me," he said thickly before glancing to Molly. "I'll meet you and Lily in a minute. I need to talk to this runaway."

"Runaway?" Molly gasped looking to me in surprise.

Great, I said to myself, another door closing.


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