There Is Suppose To Be A Happy Ending To Every Story

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The medical house felt different when I entered from the late night wind. People in white were racing across the tile floors. Buttons beeping constantly with soft whimpers. Nobody stopped to say hello or even give a nod of acknowledgement instead they ran past like I was invisible.

This made me come to the conclusion to see if maybe I could walk through walls. How cool would that have been? It would have been easier to travel. Doors were so bothersome with the constant opening and closing.

Thunk, the baby blue wall sang in injury.

Guess I'm not a ghost. There was pure evidence of that by the visible throbbing pink flesh on the middle my head. I was bond to deal with doors for awhile now sadly.

"Dr. Norrice, we have an emergency in room twenty-six." A high voice from the hallway cried. The announcement of his name made my hand freeze mid-air from rubbing the slight damage. Childishly, I wondered from the entrance to catch him in action.

He stood there, straight and bold. Shoulders a bit tense and chestnut hair tousled from his fingers being run through it a few times. This look was beautiful yet worrisome. As great as it was to see the man I loved helping people he looked ready to tip over any moment.

There must have been an accident. Patrol must have not gone over well. I wonder why Alpha David didn't say anything during our meeting. He might have not wanted me to feel guilty for anything before leaving.

Leaving, this single word echoed through my head. I only had a couple hours to say goodbye to Ambrose. An evening and a silver of dawn to express how much he meant to me. How hard it would be to try an explain this strong emotion.

He didn't love me yet. I understood that. We only been together for a small amount of time but at least before we never saw each other again he got to witness my admiration for him.

"Oh Bliss your back."

I blinked awake from my thoughts to see the handsome doctor coming my way. Before any greeting could come forth he stole a gentle kiss and shared a breath taking smile. "Give me a minute to help this patient and we can discuss living arrangements."

"Ambrose, I-"

He put a finger against my lips chuckling, "can't you ever stop talking? Just hold this thought for a second and as soon as I am done I'm all yours."

"All mine?"

He nodded while peaking over his shoulder antsy. "Yes, all yours. Now excuse me for a minute."

I watched him turn on his heel. He sped after the red headed nurse who seemed in the same hurry to go help the hurt member. I hope whoever it was got better quickly. They most likely be fine in due time. They were lucky enough to have one of the greatest doctors in the world at their disposal.

It was bond to take awhile for them to clean the poor person up so I went back to the sitting area. There on the coffee table laid the Fairytale book from this morning. Page folded to where we didn't finish and his ink pen.

I snuggled back into the large couch and open the book to the back. There was an empty slot. Plenty of room to write a message.

The slender pen sat in hand and for what felt to be hours I sat there. Caution words dance on the paper of a story. A tale about a young girl who was stolen from her family because she looked like the doppelganger to the moon goddess's daughter.

How she was raised with a heavy hand by Mother Selene and grew use to the Greek Gods being her Uncles. She was constantly hated by Pandeia for her more innocent elegance. This hate got larger when on the day of her birthday the three Fates delivered the news: the wondrous male Pandeia had her eyes on was already bonded. His mate was her double.

This horrid announcement called for war. She threaten to kill the werewolf below for not waiting on her. Before she could plot his death it came to realization that all she had to do was kill her double then the man could be hers.

This notion crossed her doppelganger's mind the same time. Not wanting to die under Pandeia's hand she grew the courage to race to Selene Falls to drown herself as sacrifice to Selene. But a cross road came at hand. There in the field was a hunter shooting at a beautiful red wolf.

She couldn't stand the poor animal to be kilt so without a second thought she races to catch the bullet. It only grazed her before the wolf got ahead.

It ran off while she laid there prepared to die. Ready to give freedom and a better lover to her mate.

Yet rather than her soul being deliver to Hades it woke to the man tending to it with tenderness.

There is suppose to be a happy ending to every story. The princess and the prince are suppose to be married and deeply in love but in this one, the maiden left without a single goodbye.

"Miss Bridge, you need to leave now."

I shut the green covered book with a simple shy smile, "is it already that time?"

The none familiar guard nodded.

"Oh wow," I said while walking to the exit. "How times flies."

The door opened then it shut once I pulled the handle back.

♡ Please don't hate me for this! I beg of you! I just needed to spice up this story ;) As you can tell it's going off a different pace than most Werewolf stories! This excites me!

Btw, thanks a million again for 50 votes and 1K reads so far! Keep voting and telling other about this! Gotta spread the Ambrose Love!!

Hey in the comment section below this tell me that you actually read these A/Ns and a few guy names (which ever ones I use I promise a dedication as a thank you)

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