How Could The Gods Not Want Him In Olympus With Them?

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It didn't work. My attempts to escape this foggy reality never seemed to happen. Pandeia was right, I couldn't do anything correctly. Just another failure to this universe which needed incredible fixing.

How was it possible to miss five silver bullets without even trying? Naturally, I should have been dead on the cool ground near Selene Falls. Not here, laying on a crisp white sheeted hospital bed.

You know it's quite difficult to count all the little specks on a popcorn ceiling. There's bound to be something better to do.

This wasn't your regular medical attention room. I could tell by the less equipment gathered in the small space. There were a few glass jars lined across the wall full of cotton balls, wooden sticks, and q-tips. Then there was a basic plastic bag with liquid hanging above my head. The thin needle in me, consuming it down quickly.

"Weird." I thought aloud, tapping the clear tube.

When did my arm learn now to drink? Before I could test my other wrist and see if it was thirsty a gruff voice broke the silence from behind the oak door.

"Dammit doc, just go in there! I'm sure she's awake by now."

Awake? Was this person talking about me? How long have I been out? The better question is how did they find me?

Jupiter Forrest wasn't known well by many. It belonged mostly to werewolves and vampires, a meeting place for them to discuss territories. Mortals tend to avoid those parts because of the stories citizens spread like wild fire about a huge red beast with fangs.

I'm not your average human. This is since I know the truth behind those horrid tales. Werewolves were dangerous, yes but only if you viscously attacked them first. If you obey their first warning growl and step back. They won't attack unless of course they were rogue which is highly unlikely.

No rogue is dumb enough to step on land that belongs to a pack or that is ran by vampires unless they have a death wish.

"But Jason, it much more complicated then that." A deep familiar voice announced with slight weariness. It sent goosebumps down my arms like it usually did.

Ambrose, his name blessed my mind with a sense of clarity. It had this way of making me feel numb, all over yet aware of only his presence.

The way while he squinted his eyes when he forgot to wear his glasses. The way he only spoke regularly with his friends and absolutely polite talking to others. His personality strong and stable enough to fix each problem ahead. Never once did I heard him seem so nervous until now.

"How is it complicated, Ambrose! Your mates!"

"Yeah but she's injured and human!" He shouted with hurt.

This caused me to jump and a squeak escaped my lips. It echoed off the plain walls and I knew simply their ears could have heard the accidental noise.

Werewolves have an excellent hearing. As well as they got great tracking noses and eye sight. Their best quality trait though is their ability to sense their mate.

It's commonly known by even mortal that werewolves can sense their designed one easily. This little fact sent fan girls to write crazy romance tales about how they thought those two met. Some are quite interesting and close to the truth. Others let say just scare me.

If a mate cheats on their supposed soul mate then he is not made for them. Can't get any more down to earth there.

"Ms. Bridge, are you alright?"

The door opening caught me off guard and I scurried to cover myself more with the sheets. I had clothes on but they weren't the prettiest with all the blood splats.

"Oh hi, Ambrose! Such a surprise to see you here." I laughed with two burning red cheeks.

There in the doorway stood his six foot two inch figure covered nicely in muscle. His brown bangs slick back from his face giving a perfect view of those chocolate orbs so full of gentleness. How could the gods not want him in Olympus with them?

His jaw set strong and bottom lip between his teeth. Back and forth he put his weight on a different leg trying to decide which he liked better.

"You usually prefer your right," I chimed in with a giggle.

He rose an eyebrow and nodded once in agreement. "Sorry, I'm kind of off today."

He don't say. That's probably because his wolf was bothering him to claim me already.

"Well, I'm not surprised."

"Your not?"

I twirled a finger in one of my ringlets and gave him a smile. These innocent actions sent him to jolt straight telling me he wouldn't be able to control himself long.

Poor Ambrose, better put him out of his misery. I'm sure he's not enjoying this ruin his normal image.

"Hey, if you tell how you found me. I'll tell you something."

He frowned. "Ms. Bridge this isn't time for games. I came here to check on you and get information to contact your family."

I playfully narrowed my eyes. "Why so serious, big bad wolf? Is he really getting to you?"

A shocked expression ran across his persona. Mouth wide opened, he stared in my direction as if I broke the code of silence.

"How do you know?"

"This is really gonna knock your socks off." I said while turning to look back at the ceiling.

One speck, two specks, three specks, four specks, five specks, six specks, seven specks, eight specks, nine specks, ten specks.... wait didn't I count that one already?

"Ms. Bridge what else do you know?" He asked reminding me I hadn't continued.

Osp, the nerves are sure getting to my head.

With a sigh, I looked him straight in the eyes and didn't hold back. "I know you are my Romeo, Ambrose. I know you are my rose. I know you are my soul mate."

*I'm thinking of adding more later but at the moment here is chapter two (: So now that you have a view on both Ambrose and Bliss's minds tell me who you would prefer another chapter in (please leave your choice in the comment box).

Song to side is: Accidentally In Love By Counting Crows.

Do any of you know who Pandeia or Selene is?

And as always vote and love Ambrose*

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