Oh No

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*PREWARNING: There will be some grammar errors in this chapter! It is short and sweet. Next chapter might be longer. But until then have you noticed we have 426 reads in this story guys ♡.♡ This is a great accomplishment! Keep voting and sharing this with others! Let's love Ambrose!*

I stepped out of the hot shower the next morning to a knock on the bathroom wall. It wasn't the usual tap Ambrose gave so I picked up a roll of toilet paper, preparing to aim it at whoever was on the other side.

Don't be Pandeia. Please let it be the Easter Bunny coming to thank me for my belief in him still.

Tip toeing across the floor, my super awesome ninja skills kicked in. The tile didn't creak under foot and the marble sink didn't make a single sound when I put my whole body weight upon it. This must mean I lost a few pounds.

Most people consider the loss of fat a good thing. I thought of this almost worse than death. This number change meant these horrible wolves have starved me from my sugary junk food. How dare they!

Peanut Butter and Chocolate was life. The fudge do they think they are? Trying to keep me from my two favorite lovers!

"Hey Bliss, you want to-"

Before the villain could continue I put all my might in a simple pounce and attacked. The white toilet towel roll flew through the air and hit another person, causing them to cry in pain.

That's right! I know your weakness folks! Now where is that peanut butter jar!

"For creamy goodness!" My Sparta call was cut short when the huge man below flipped me to the ground. A large hand over mouth.

I blinked once, glancing up to Brook. An annoyed expression across his face. He looked like he really needed to use the bathroom. Good thing it was only a couple steps away.

"Dammit chick, I don't know if I should yell or be completely worried about your mental health."

"Worry about her mental health," Dallas chuckled from above. A couple strands of toilet paper around his head.

He offered a wave and I sat up, my cheeks burning bright. Maybe I should apologize for the craziness. It comes with the hunger and they didn't deserve the sudden battle.

Their next loose counts on the score board though.

"So do you want breakfast, Bliss?" Dallas asked catching me off guard.

"Breakfast! Where?" I searched around the bland area for greatness yet caught sight of none. Dude just made my hopes go up for nothing.

Brooks groaned, hitting the middle of his head with his palm. "Does this bitch get any more stupider?"

Before anybody could respond to him, a loud snarl rang. It sounds like church bells cracking in half through frosty winds. Goose bumps raced down my arms at the terrifying sound.

Dallas gulped then took ten step back. A perfect distance "Think you might want to run, you just awoke Fever."

Fever? Who was that?

Brooks only laughed at the name and grinned. Either he was a completely fool or Dallas was overreacting about this Fever. It's hard to believe big tough Dallas would exaggerate over nothing though.

"Why? What is he going to do?"

"He's going to rip your figure to shreds that's what."

There marching into our friendly group meeting was beautiful Ambrose. He shook underneath the little light and his fist clenched into a ball. At any moment he looked ready to snap.

How weird it was to see him out of control. The only conclusion to this was his wolf definitely did not like being left out. That had to be the reason for his hostility.

"Better have a good explanation for verbally insulting my mate, Linger." He snarled, irises already completely consumed black.

Is it totally wrong of me to think right now he looks ridiculously cute in those blue jeans and plaid shirt? He may have been attractive in his lab coat but the way that fabric wrapped around his quivering muscles. Brownie points for him.

Brooks sneered. "Like you could hurt me Fever. Your a weak little pussy who can't even defend anybody or anything. How do you expect to protect your-"

Two large hands went around Brooks thin neck, shoving him into the wall. A roar ripped through the air and Ambrose's pure white canines grew. When they snapped together it sounded like a tree broke in the background.

From afar he looked nonhuman. It caused me to ponder if he might regret his actions later. I looked over to Dallas who watched the show before him. The warrior seeming quite surprised.

He didn't know how to react. His gaze switching between Ambrose trying to kidnap Brook's last breath to the exit.

Finally Dallas spoke solemnly. "Bliss, come we need to leave them be."

"But why?" I question while a stronger weight lift me to my toes. Dallas begun to walk us away while blocking the view of Ambrose.

A bone breaking noise echoed and this sent goosebumps to Dallas. He shook his head. A sorrowful look upon his face.

"Why doesn't Brooks just submit? It's better then a fight to the..."

I stopped listening to Dallas's gruff tone. Ambrose needed to be stopped. If he got one single bruise I'd never forgive myself for not stopping him.

In a sudden act of no judgment, I did a sudden 180 and peaked over Dallas's buff arm. There beating in his friend's face, he stood. Tears trying to be shed.

"Fever!" I cried heartbroken at the sight. The name slipped off my lips perfectly causing the man to freeze mid-punch. Not a single person dared to answer.

Ambrose's orbs dimmed lighter and staggering back he saw the damage. Studying the wounds on Brooks he fell to his knees. "Oh no," he whispered for our ears to hear.

The man look lost. Out of control to whom to be. The terrible wolf ready to kill or gentle pack doctor. His eyes flickered dark to light. Fighting to claim who should stay and handle the situation.

Unable to stand the horrible sight from afar. I ducked beneath Dallas and landed in my mate's lap. Fangs drilled deep into his lower lips and blood splattered on his hands didn't make him any less lovely.

"Ambrose, relax. Everything is okay." I whispered to the frighten man. "I will always be beside you."

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