Did He Just Say His Mate...?

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The music echoing. The bass pounding. Each note swept through the guest room as if they were ready to take away tomorrow. No fear or regret just me and a song stuck on repeat.

No Pandeia on the hunt to have my head. No stress about dropping from college. No fright of being in a new place. No worries about whatever anybody thought and last but not least no Ambrose.

The only thing my mind concentrated on was the rhythm. How each step must match gracefully with the beat. How it felt to finally be free for only a minute.

I threw my hands in the air, rocking back and forth. The bare area was an empty stage. The dangling light bulb a bright glow, embracing the fluid movements. All the seats were empty but I continued to perform.

Back home, the gods made time to dance. They randomly threw parties wherever they could and Mother Selene drag me with. Both Pandeia and I sit at the table while wine got spilt. It wasn't until they were liquored up that the floor got full. Dionysus be the first to do a drunk's stripper jig. Apollo tag along minutes later dragging his wife then the rest spill on later.

We young ones would sit, bewildered at the sudden change of the party. Neither of us daring to join their sway to the music until Hypnos offered me his hand. A sleepy smile on his face.

"Still can't dance properly, I see."

The music was on pause and magically by the entrance stood a man with white hair purer than mine. His frame masculine yet thin. He looked a little lanky and his black robe hung loose about two sizes bigger than it should have been.

The sudden sight of the god made me fall back onto the ground. He stood there, a slight smirk growing on his face. He wouldn't laugh but it was easy to see he found amusement at the reaction.

I narrowed my eyes his way. He always had to make these extortionate appearances. Didn't he understand privacy?

"Just because I dance differently than most people does not mean I can't." I sighed with a shake of the head.

"You look like an exotic dancer with those hips thrust. Zeus may find it a pleasant sight but your mother would not." He said holding each of his elbows. This was his serious posture. This stance usual meant a lecture.

I got onto my feet and moved my hips. "So what? Most normal men find this sort of dancing attractive."

"Men like Zeus," Hypnos mumbled, eying the way I begun to race my fingers through my hair. "Do you want to attract those who are going to use you?"

No, of course not. Men like Zeus were man-whores that wanted to get into any female's pantaloons. If a girl said no then she would become their target.

I had a good man a few towns over, missing me. He wasn't running around with any other she-wolves. Instead he was most likely searching helplessly for my scent to track. On the run, thinking of a million excuses to say to keep us together.

He must have been stressed. Fever is bound to be antsy and near the edge of going feral. Ambrose didn't need anymore issues to add to the pile of problems.

I should call him. Mate were suppose to stick with each other through thick and thin. They were meant to work on problems together. Not alone as separate units.

"Pandeia," Hypnos said aloud. Her name made me freeze. All the thoughts before of going back crumbled in her hand then fell to the ground. A wicked smile upon her face.

My heart hammered. It ran harder and harder against my chest, begging to go back where it belonged: with Ambrose. But it knew as well as I did we were not putting his pack, his friends, his family, and him in any risk of Pandeia's wrath. We were staying here.

I glanced to Hypnos. The one person who knew my dreams better then I did. The tears gathered and he bit his lips looking ready to cry as well. He out reached his arms.

It felt weird unevenly walking towards him. The world felt ready to crumble at any moment. Ambrose, I needed my peanut butter. How was I suppose to survive this without him?

Hypnos met halfway. He bundled my shaking figure in his arms, humming softly. It didn't seem right letting him hold me anymore. I was a grown woman my mate should have been the person here.

"Who's going to roll there eyes at me when I act childish?"

Hypnos pat my head in an affectionate matter. Before he could answer I asked, "who is going to read to me at night?"

My voice cracked and Hypnos took hold of my tearing streaking face. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Bliss, don't cry."

I snapped, "why not! The person I love more than anything in the world can't be with me cause some insane goddess is going to hurt us if we do! Hypnos, so tell me why can't I cry!"

"Because she's here!" He shouted throwing his hands in the air. "She is in this pack house right now and you can't let her see you weak! Your tears will give her an advantage!"

My mouth fell open at the news. "She's in this house?"

If she was here why hasn't she attacked yet. Pandeia wasn't very well known for her patients. Her reckless behavior was one of the reasons why many of the gods never teamed on her side.

"Listen Bliss, she's wicked. She's mind controlling somebody and I don't know who. So don't trust anybody here. Got it?"

"But-"Hypnos shot a hard look causing me to cut off. He put his lips against my forehead. In a soft voice he whispered, "I'm going to find Ambrose and lead him here."

I closed my eyes, "don't. Please Hypnos, he can't get hurt."

"He won't get hurt, I swear. You need the help and him not being beside you is killing all those beautiful dreams you once had." He took a step from me. A smile on his face, "just promise not to be too foolish. I know this is a tough request but it'll help me not worry about you too much."

I swatted him once on the shoulder and begun to wipe the sadness from view, "I will as along as you promise to keep my future husband safe."

"That's it, Bliss." He chuckled before vanishing. "Keep having those dreams."


The guards had come awhile after Hypnos disappeared. They were huge man who seemed to be on steroids and didn't understand the human language. I tried speaking in grunts like them but that didn't cross into their brains either.

"I have to pee!" I tried again in english to the man on my left who kept a tight grip on my arm.

He gave another undeceive mumble and a tough tug. His super strength pulled us forward making me loose my potty stance. My balder was about ready to release all over Alpha Iriel's pretty white rug. Hopefully they had bleach.

"Baño!" I tried in a loud voice. The other dude on my right shook his head. So they didn't know Spanish either.

Well at least I knew these two were to useless for Pandeia to use. She did have good taste after all and preferred the men she brain washed to understand what people were saying.

"Look guys! I seriously need the ladies room. It's not like I will try to run away."

It's sad how easy lying came these days. Guess it's all part of being in the supposed mythical world. Wonder if normal humans lied just as much.

None of the werewolves made a sudden reaction to my announcement. They continued to drag my feet until a door behind us open. A very displeasured Alpha Iriel glaring in our direction.

"Why is my mate whining?"

Hold up! My ears must be ringing. Did he just say his mate...?

At least on the plus side of this matter, I didn't need to use the rest room anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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