Why Do You Want To Die So Bad?

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*Hey this is late bur here's some Ambrose and Bliss! I apologize for disappearing for awhile. Blame Physics and my Creative Writing class! Anytime I start writing something different then my stories, I tend to go on a different path then the tale >.< *

Heel against heel. We laid on the cliff near Selene Falls. Fingers intertwined together, nothing felt capable to tear us apart. Not the viscous Gods or even war.

His head against my shoulder with eyes shut tight. He hummed a tune which relaxed the inner beast. It made me feel comfortable stuck beneath his arms.

This could last forever and neither one of us would seem to mind. The world could end beneath our feet but I wouldn't move. I wanted to give him a few lovely memories. A few perfect pictures to imagine once Pandeia caught onto us.

"Hey Ambrose, let's go for a dip."

He cut his song short. The one eyed look he gave was enough to notice he thought I was being completely crazy. "On this high of a height. That would be suicide."

We both cringed at the word. I knew he still desired to know the truth of what happened with Pandeia. It honestly seem to distress him yet he didn't bother me about it.

It became a taboo not to mention it between us. The doctor side of him wanted to cure the mental illness. He wanted to help not just as my mate but as a medical aid.

"Don't be such a kill-joy! We won't get hurt." I giggled using the amount of strength in my arms to pull my body up.

I tossed my tank top to the solid earth before doing a crazy little shake. The water sang in want as it fell to hold the rocky banks. It continued to whisper my name through the wind and unable to ignore it's beg I inched closer. Eyes watching the gravel race off the edge. It fell with a plop vanishing from view.

"Come on, one jump Ambrose. You don't even have to join me."

He crossed his arms, "why do you want to die so bad?"

I froze. Why did he have to state it so straightforward? Weren't you suppose to be gentle with the ill?

"Because Hades seems to be sexier then this place." I fibbed glancing to study the expression on his face.

A wrinkle between his eyebrows called for me to smooth it out but I didn't dare leave the edge. If I did he wouldn't let me go back near it any time soon.

"Don't lie to me Bliss. You have a motive and I would like to know what it is."

I frowned," I can't tell you."

He needed to stay in the dark. Safe from any harm. If he knew Pandeia use it to her advantage. A way to blind sight him into her arms.

"Why not?"

Playing dirty, I dug a stab into him. "Why can't you explain to me about trying to kill your best friend?"

"Bliss, there are just some things which are too hard to tell."

"Then I can't tell you my motive."

My lower lip quivered and I fell back to the bed of flowers. The black water didn't look so safe now and neither did he. I had to face it, life wasn't going to be an easy adventure. It wasn't just myself relying on me now.

We were mates. We needed the other and the ride through out all these problems weren't going to be easy. No, it was going to be worse than trying to die.

"Ambrose, if you were given the option to save somebody would you?"

"Of course, I do it everyday. But that doesn't go with why you want to leave this world. Bliss, do you want to hurt me?"

"What! No!" I responded way to quickly. Both my hands shot to hold his face. He leaned forward letting me have a better grip of him. "Ambrose, I want to stay with you forever."

He chuckled softly, "you are the most weirdest human being ever. No girl in her right mind desires to be with a vicious wolf."

I scrunched up my nose in his direction. How dare he call himself dangerous. Sure, he got a little out of control back in the medical house but we all lose it once in awhile. Whether it was over love or chocolate.

"It's better to be weird than normal then."

"Oh," Ambrose asked raising an eyebrow. "How so?"

"I'd rather be weird and want you than be normal. If I were the norm, I wouldn't be this fearless to face you alone."

A smile grew larger on his lips. He only shook his head and questioned my cheesiness before pulling me closer to him. Under his breath I heard him thank the moon goddess for granting him the right to have me near.

Maybe the fates had done something right by intertwining our golden strings accidentally.

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