The Easter Bunny Doesn't Exist

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Ambrose, do you know where peeps come from?"

He glanced up from the novel he had his nose in, a steady look of tiredness on his face. Since two nights ago, he's stayed in the hospital room with me in watch for what Silver quoted a monster.

They had no explanation for what Pandeia was and because I didn't grant any information they called her whatever they could come up with. The names they gave were quite amusing.

Ambrose was the only one who hadn't given her a title yet. He didn't even mention the incident around me. When Alpha David asked us to meet the day after, Ambrose told him my health wasn't stable enough to leave the hospital. As soon as he felt I was ready to talk about what happened we would visit him but until then my job was to rest.

"Peeps are made from marshmallows, Bliss and marshmallows are made from-" He cut short when I released a dramatic sigh.

Everything had to be scientific or realistic explanation with him. His imagination must have been completely dead.

"No, genius. They come from chocolate eggs."

Like no duh, where else did those yummy colorful eatable chickens come from?

Ambrose face seem to say the opposite. He stared at me with a scowl. In a shut of his book, our debate begun.

"That makes no sense," he exclaimed hands in the air. "How does unliving items create offspring?"

"Easy," I announced with my pointer finger in the air. "The Easter bunny uses his magic powers."

He smacked the middle of his forehead. A groan escaping. "The Easter Bunny doesn't exist."

My mouth fell open with a huge gasp. How could he say that! Of course the Easter Bunny existed! Who else left basket full of goodies for the children on Easter day?

"So your answer is invalid, dear." He grinned, fixing his glasses.

"How do you know he's not real! Have you ever met him!"

"Of course not! That's the point, nobody's met him so he's not alive also rabbits aren't capable of half the stuff the Easter bunny supposedly does."

He must have not seen an enchanted bunny then. Maybe I should go to the market and have Indigo put a spell on one for me. I haven't seen her in ages but asking for magic tricks tends to make the little witch forgive my disappearances.

"Just like how Santa, the tooth fairy, and the Sand Man don't exist either."

Ambrose didn't know of Hypnos?

Hypnos was the god of sleep. Many call him the Sand Man for the golden dust he sprinkles on eyelids.

Hypnos usually granted sleep to me last at nights when I was younger so he could discuss his job with somebody. The details of his work were quite interesting. Him talking sure put me to sleep better than the dust back then.

I bet him and Ambrose would get along perfectly.

"So love isn't real either?"

He blinked surprised with the question.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't see love. So it must not exist."

"Love is seeable. You can witness it when two people hold another. You can see it almost every where."

"You can see actions out of love but you can't see it, Ambrose." I held the pillow to my chest and sighed. "So your answer is invalid, dear."

He didn't respond instead the book fell to the ground with a slight pounce. He stood up from his uncomfortable chair then came before me. Both his hands held onto my face and the warmth escalated between us.

"Look," he whispered nodding to the small space between us. " I may not love you yet Bliss but this air between us right now could be love someday and soon you'll see it. If you promise to be patient with me that is."

"I promise, but-"

"What's your favorite food?"

I blinked and grinned quickly. "Chocolate chip cookie pizza!"

"How am I not surprised," he laughed resting his nose on mine. "What's your favorite word?"

My cheeks turned bright pink and I begun to fidget with the fabric of the peach night gown, Silver let me borrow. She'd kindly made Dallas deliver outfits for me to wear until I went back to the dorm and got my own. Sadly, she wouldn't be getting any of her clothes back until Ambrose said the all clear.

"Ambrose," I whispered bashfully.

He rolled his eyes. "I won't judge you. Come on tell me."

"I just did, my favorite word is Ambrose."

His whole body froze. The shock wasn't explainable. He just continued to study my face as if he was trying to figure if this were a joke.

"Bliss," he finally said. "You are too sweet for your own good."

"No I am not-" before I could start his lips touched my forehead.

"Yes, you are."

Someday he could love me, I thought while tracing my fingertips against his stumble. Someday he wouldn't just want me because his wolf does. Someday he'd understand my desire to protect him. He would understand how strange it was for to feel this way.

Yes, I had fallen for the werewolf from afar. He was suppose to be mated to a goddess, a beauty which matched him perfectly but the fates screwed up. When Hypnos told me the reason why Selene started hating me was because the three thread ladies made a mistake I couldn't contain my excitement.

I enrolled to the same college he did and watched closely over him. The man who was to be mine. He tried to be smart and tough half the time but he did foolish things often. Once he tripped up the stairs and made the excuse under his breath: the floor needed a hug.

It became a hobby of mine to grab a latte and sneak to the library where he sat reading. I always wore an overdose of perfume so he never smelt my aroma.

Being close to him from afar was all I needed until Pandeia took advantage. She swore to snatch his heart. She told the rulers in Olympus he was hers to use then kill.

I found out later on the only reason she wanted to murder him was because of me. I thought it'd be best if I died then Ambrose wouldn't have a death wish and Pandeia could have him.

She learned that the same time I did. Here we both battled for my death yet something kept getting in our way. My want to live.

And the want was stronger then ever now with Ambrose a part of my life.

• Surprise new chapter is out before Monday :) I have no idea how long it is since I wrote it on my notes so.... But I am excited that I got to add more Ambrose in this chapter then last time! Sadly no Dallas though T.T•

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