We Are All Dangerous Some Just Hide It Better Than Others

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"Hey Bliss!" Ambrose cried waving both his hands in the air. Back and worth while the ocean sang in the background. His tan chest well define beneath the blistering sun.

It was a pleasant feeling to be greeted by him and the salty smell. It sung appeal like a old favorite song. The tone familiar yet so new.

He continue to call my name. "Bliss, the waters fantastic! Bliss, come on we don't got all day! Bliss, you are super slow! Hurry, Bliss!"

I couldn't help it the impatience got to me. Bare foot I raced across the white sand, ready to hop in his awaiting arms. How long has it been since he held me?

Did he still smell like peanut butter?

"Ambrose! Ambrose!"

He started to come towards my direction. We were going to meet halfway. We were going to work out. We were going to forget my stupid choice to leave him.

"Bliss, where have you been all this-"

He fell short and a poke came to my side. It tore me awake from the peaceful dream to see a young girl with pigtails. Her small face set in a scowl.

"Hey lady," she said annoyed. "You snore too loud."

This caused me to sit up in shock. Wildly I glanced around the greyhound bus to notice only a few party goers watching. A few smiled while the others rolled their eyes.

It's been four days on this bus with the same passengers. Unlike them, I sat in back and didn't dare speak. Trying to communicate with others wasn't the easiest for me. Whenever somebody new said hi I felt like an awkward child stuck between running or waving.

This girl, Lily was an exception though. It was easy to scold her. For the last couple days she continually picked on me. Even after her mother told her to stop she still said rude comments.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Excuse me," I asked with a bewildered look.

Lily shrugged settling herself into the seat beside me. She begin to study her nails as she nodded. "You're excused, weird lady."

"The names Bliss."

"Whatever, annoying lady."

"The name is Bliss," I empathized once more with a tiredness in my voice. "If you are going to annoy somebody maybe you should at least get their name right."

Lily rose an eyebrow. She gave a single snort then shook her head. She acted as if I were the nuisance disturbing her peace.

Why I outta-, I released a huge breath. Be calm and collected. She's like five years old, don't give her the satisfaction of getting under your skin.

These thoughts made me smile. I was sounding so cool right now. Ambrose would be amazed.

"Ambrose." I said once while glancing out the window longingly.

I wonder if he's looking for me. Did Alpha David explained his reasons to him? How did he react? Was he tracking my scent this minute?

The nerves got the best of me and I begun to fidget with the hem of my gray sweater dress. This wasn't right. We should have been together but I couldn't stay there. As much as I loved Ambrose I couldn't dangle his pack's lives on a piece of thread infront of Hades. That was selfish.

"Hey weird lady, why are you coming to Torrid Cove?"

Torrid Cove, was that the up coming destination for this bus?

Lily tugged on her ribbon pigtails giggling, "me and mommy are going to see Uncle. He lives with a bunch of people. They all turn to wolves even my mommy. I will someday too."


This wasn't too surprising. Her mother did give off the same aura as the other werewolves back home but I never thought twice about it. I suspected she was a lone wolf running off with her daughter. It wasn't rare in the wolf society for mate less females to run off if they got pregnant. Babies made not by a mate or wedding bond were highly looked down upon.

"Yes, he's the leader of-" She was cut off.

"Lily, what are you rambling on about?"

There before us stood a woman in her early twenties. Her chestnut hair past her shoulders and eyes of liquid gold. Lily shared her button nose.

"I told you to stop telling stories," she scolded to her daughter before glancing at me. Her appearance so stunning yet viscous. Her wolf must have been the same. "I apologize again for her. She seemed to find quite an attachment to you."

I laughed lightly. "It's alright, I like kids."

"Well we better get going back to our seats." She said offering a hand to Lily. The little girl took it without a second thought and joined at her mother's side. "Have a good day."

Before they could walk away I called after the liquid golden eyed woman, "Wait!"

She froze at the call.

"I know what you are."

"What?" She questioned as if she didn't hear me. She must have thought this was a joke.

"I know you're a wolf and from what Lily said so is your brother. I believe he is the leader of a pack, correct?"

"What do you want? Who are you?"

"My names Bliss and all I want is some help."

She studied me for a second to see if I was lying. After a few seconds she dropped Lily's hand and stood before me. Her lips in a small comforting smile, "you don't seem dangerous."

I ran my fingers through the strands of hair escaping it's bun. "We are all dangerous. Some just hide it better than others."

"Well," She said sitting down. Lily already snuggled on her lap. "Good thing me and my family like danger then."

• Well what is Bliss getting herself into now...

This song is one of my favorites it's called: Outside by Calvin Harris Feat Ellie Goulding.

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