Lips Like Peanut Butter?

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What were those hammer looking tools doctors used to test their patients joints? A rubber hammer? Or did it have more of a technical name?

Either way I begun to call the instrument Stanley the Hammer. Stanley laid on the mattress while Ambrose read my pulse. We sat there quietly, neither mumbling a word. He kept at a far distance from me and seemed to be listening hard to the pounding of my heart. At any moment I felt it would ripe from my chest and run away. It couldn't stand being under this endearment. It hadn't received it's daily dose of Peanut Butter ice cream yet.

Peanut Butter, I sung to myself already tasting it on the tip of my tongue. If there were a world made of that delicious creamy stuff I'd live there. Every morning I'd lick my peanut butter made pillow and put it in my coffee.

I wonder if peanut butter and coffee go good together. I wonder if Ambrose's lips taste like peanut butter.

"I'm afraid I don't think they do, Ms. Bridge." Ambrose chuckled quietly.

I shook from the wondrous daydream, studying him. What was he afraid of? And why on Gaia's green earth was he calling me Ms. Bridge? I'm not an old lady.

"What are you talking about?"

He shook his head once and leaned forward. Elbows on his knees and hands underneath his chin. He looked so young in that posture. So care free from the world.

"You asked if my lips tasted like peanut butter, I simply answered your question."

"So your afraid you don't know if they do?" I asked with a bit of sorrow in my tone.

Ambrose gave a crazed look. "Aren't you embarrassed you spoke out loud?"

"No," I scoffed with a wave of my hand. Why should I be ashamed of my thoughts? They were completely normal. "Of course not."


"It is a bit sad though you don't know the slightest how your lips taste. Hasn't anyone ever told you?"

His ear turned pink. He put his face in his palms and I scooted closer to the bed side. Had he never kissed someone? Was he a lip virgin?

"No one has ever told me, Ms. Bridge."

"It's Bliss, Ambrose. You don't see me calling you Dr. Norrice, do you?"

Dr. Norrice had a nice chime to it. The title fit well but I couldn't see myself calling him doctor for the rest of our time together. That'd be extremely weird.

"No, but Ms.Bridge I'm trying to be profess-" His phrase was cut short as soon as I leaned closer to him. My lips against his and our fingers tangled together just happened suddenly.

At first it felt funny because both us were so new to the sparks that shot through our veins when we touched. He froze once to blink but went right back to resting his forehead on mine.

"That was.... wow."

"And so not professional," I teased him wrapping both my arms tightly around his neck.

If I caged him here, would his Alpha mind? If I stole him and ran us all the way to Paris, would Pandeia let me live with the handsome man in peace?

We could live up on a hill covered in flower beds. Drink tea on Sundays and eat begets for snacks.Homemade macroons would always be set on the desk as he read his medical books beside me.

It sounded magical. A perfectly well thought out dream worth chasing but deep in my heart I knew the selfish desire wouldn't be great for him nor anybody else. His pack needed him immensely.

I was only one person. A mortal who didn't have super strength and the capacity to keep him from the thing he loved: helping people. The twinkle he got in his eyes when giving medical preference to others was worth any danger that might come our way.

"Are you guys done being lovey dovey yet?"

I shot ten feet in the air and landed into Ambrose lap with a growl in my tone. "Who dares to disturbs my clarity?"

There stood an extremely tall man with the skin tone of dark chocolate. I wonder if he was flavored like it too. Him and Ambrose would make chocolate and peanut butter. Oh my Zeus, match made in heaven!

What was this chocolate man's name?

"Knock the crazy down a couple notches, Ms. Bridge it's only Dallas."

Dallas cocked his head to the side. He studied us together with a huge smirk on his face. It had a deeper meaning behind it but I couldn't deceiver what it was.

Ambrose seemed to though. The nice touch of his hands, holding my waist, dropped to the side and he did a nervous jig to sit more proper.

"Is there a reason you came in without knocking on the door?" My mate coughed.

Dallas slide up beside us. His aura rippled with grace and kindness. From afar he looked scary but the gentle grin on his face spoke differently. It told a story of strength.

"No, I just felt the need to meet the girl who made you snap yesterday night." Dallas begin to mess my hair up a way an older brother did with a laugh. "Nice to finally meet you properly, Miss Beautiful Face."

Miss Beautiful Face? What did that mean? Did he think I was attractive?

Oh no, this isn't good.

In threat I snatched his fore arm, catching both the males off guard.

"What's wrong? Does your wounds hurt?" Ambrose questioned, gearing himself to check my blood pressure and make sure the stitches didn't detached.

My lower lip quiver and I shook my head. "No that's not it," a few tears sprung down to land in his lap, "I just don't want to break your friend's heart."

"My heart?" Dallas pointed to his huge chest in confirmation.

I nodded, looking away from his face. This was going to be difficult but I had to do it. For Ambrose.

"Yes. I apologize, dear Dallas but just because you think I'm beautiful I cannot return your feelings. I'd love to be friends though."

Dallas's face went completely blank and below me rumbled Ambrose. He shook with laughter. The deep remorseful sound bouncing from ceiling to tile floor.

"Rejected," he called causing Dallas to roll his eyes.

I couldn't seem to grasp why Ambrose was amused and minutes later why Dallas joined him. Weren't they suppose to be less happy and more heartbroken?

"You got yourself a keeper there, doc."

Ambrose looked to me softly. A genuine smile on his face. Something I'd been dying to see for the longest time.

Before I could grasp his face and kiss him again in glee he turned to Dallas with seriousness. "Do you mind if I speak to Bliss alone."

First name basis, this is getting better.

"Of course, just remember tomorrow you two need to report to Alpha Female about your situation."

A quick wave to Ambrose and another pat of my head, the man disappeared out and down the hall.

I wonder where he was heading. Did he have to confirm with their leader I was alright and not a danger?

All these questions are making me sleepy, I curled into Ambrose. Eyelids closed and cheek on his warm chest. As he spoke I snoozed off, envisioning all my happiness was a large fluffy pink marshmallow.

How strange, one day I wanted to be dead and at the moment I couldn't imagine ever leaving Ambrose's comfort.

*This a draft but I just had to post this because Dallas shows up :) (shhh he's my favorite) has anybody tried peanut butter in their coffee? Or put something like super weird in your morning drink? I put a peppermint stick in my milk glass usually.

Vote. Comment. Love Ambrose ❤️*

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