Thus Story Begins

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She was an eighteen year old. Just a young girl with a huge dream to become somebody noticed walking down the street. She had big baby blue eyes and hair that tend to curl at the bottom. Believe me, I hadn't known any of this until yesterday.

I'd always saw Bliss Bridge as another mortal female who occasionally popped her small head in my med class at the University. My associates often commented on her stellar natural beauty but it never caught my attention. Maybe this is because I was studying most the time but either way she found herself stuck in my life style.

It was late evening. The sky seemed ashy like Dallas did midsummer. We walked on the road in front of Brooks, our half wasted and looking for a good time friend.

Alpha David had stayed home. Only me, Beta Jason, Delta Brooks and Warrior Dallas found ourselves stuck in an awkward situation. The three thought it would be a wonderful idea to pick a fight with neighboring wolves but two black eyes and a strain leg later told them next time to not start a fight they couldn't win.

"Fuck! We almost won too! If only Ambrose actually attempted to help." Jason grumbled while shooting an angry glance in my direction.

What could I say? I knew they were going to need my medical skills afterwards. So rather then having a pounded in skull while wrapping their wounds, I stood back. No, I did not chicken out.

"Dude, what the hell were you thinking leaving your bros hanging like that!"

I shrugged at the slurred words from Brooks. He shouldn't have even been commenting as soon as he got punched he passed out. Only to be kicked awake by Dallas.

"Hopefully they still let us in the bar covered in blood. I really need that bottle of tonic now."

Rather then worrying about me, maybe he should been worried if he had an alcohol problem.

"Now you two, lay off Ambrose. He's got a reason to keep his pretty face inact." Dallas chuckled with a smug look upon his face.

"I do?"

Jason caught on and grinned along with Dallas. This was getting weird. What did they know that I didn't?

"You're right, D. I almost forgot."

"Forgot what?"

Brooks came beside Jason at that moment. He shared a confused face with me and then explained to us how he made sure the bar had a private room saved for us.

He must have texted the owner. Those two were quite tight and he was the only mortal at the moment who knew about our existence. Well except for a few others who were mated to somebody in the pack.

"That's great," Dallas told Brooks before glancing to me. "So I saw Miss Beautiful Face watching you again after class."

"Miss Beautiful Face...." I questioned with a raised eyebrow. Who was he talking about? That Victoria chick or Linda. Then it hit me.

"Oh lord, are you talking about Bliss again?" It was easy to put the annoyance in my tone. It's been months since they've been trying to pair me with this mysterious girl.

Jason released a laugh. He found my irritation hilarious. Great friend he was.

Dallas gave a slug to my shoulder.

"Come on, dude. She is meant for you."

"Who do you think you are? Cupid or the Moon Goddess?"

"Neither, I'm fucking Aphrodite." He announced to the whole world, pounding his chest.

I rolled my eyes, flashing him the bird before going ahead. They were all complete idiots. It is amazing how stupid they were.

"Who the heck is Aphrodite?" The dumbest of the dumb asked, proving my point.

"She's a bae, that's what she is. If I could go all territorial on her ass I would in a second." Jason mumbled while lighting a cigarette.

"Don't think she'd want to do it with a dog," I called back to him with with a smirk.

We contined this way until Dallas froze in mid spot, a concerned expression already set. Jason was the first to catch it and cringed. "What is that smell?"

I took a sniff myself and the wolf inside me went crazed. He pounded against my chest, begging to escape.


The word ran through my head like a beautiful melody. It was hard to believe after all theses years finally she's shown.

What would she be like? What would she sound like? What would she feel like? What would her name be?

The curiosity got to me and I raced to reach inside the forest to see my future bride. The one who would assist me and I the same for her. The woman who held my heart in the palm of her hand. The soulmate who the moon goddess gave me life for.

"Ambrose, wait a second!" Dallas called in fret.

I was too far gone to back off from the intoxicating scent. Fever itched at my bound human flesh but before his fur could ripe at the scene, the growl of a higher power made us stop in our tracks.

A huge shaggy red wolf came on the path. Blood plastered to it's coat. Luckily it wasn't theirs yet it still caused an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I could tell easily who it belonged to but Fever didn't want to admit to whom in fear she was kilt.

"Silver!" Jason fell to his knees at the sight of the animal. He pat the blotches of wet fur and looked to me for reassurance.

I stood there shaking underneath the moonlight. Clear pain was written across my forehead but I knew my duty. The alpha's daughter came first, my love would have to wait even if it was her last breath.

"Young Silver, please transform back. We'll need to make sure you have no wounds." I forced myself to say softly.

The wolf's head shook furiously and Jason ready to complain at her immature attitude was shut quiet when she shot us each a message through mind link. Her voice full of distress, rare to hear from her.

'She's terribly injured, bullet grazed her side and another through her shoulder. Doc, you got to help her!'

Most the men jumped while a deep growl ripped from my inner chest. I was known for my patience and understanding qualities but near this moment I didn't want to be polite.

"Silver, Ambrose has to help you first. The girl can wait." Brooks finally piped with order.

I threw him the most viscous glare. Ready to tear his body limb by limb. How dare he try to keep me from saving my mate. Who did he think he was?

'No, Ambrose go to her. That is a command. Dallas will run me back to the clinic.'

I looked to Dallas only to give a nod then tracked the enchanting like scent past thousands of old oaks. Upon a bushel of white daisies, a few couple miles away from the road, laid a frail woman. Her skin paler than snow. The ringlets to her whitish blond hair tied around the flower stems and her whispering through thick breathes for life. Calling for me.

And thus is where my story begins.

* This is my second werewolf story. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think. Thank you so much, loves!*

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