Mother Selene, You Need To Protect Him

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*201 reads so far :) Awe thank you guys so much!!! I am happy to see this is getting some good attention! Your all amazing, spread the word about Bliss and Ambrose my fellow readers! Vote•Comment• and love Silver in this chapter! Oh I almost forgot don't hate me for how Pandeia acts. Have fun reading :)*

Have you ever sat in a silent room and listened to your inner thoughts? If you have, you easily notice the emotions you kept hidden.

That is the reason why I hated when places fall deadly still. It causes me to remember the pain I feel inside. The weight upon my shoulders.

I traced the sewed skin on my lefts side with my fingertips then released a small breath. As happy as I was to finally have Ambrose witness my presence, it didn't cover the want to be dead.

"Mother Selene, you need to protect him." I whispered to the emptiness and laid softly onto the bed.

The mattress didn't have the same kindness Ambrose did. He was the perfect person to cuddle into. His heart beat was like a music box melody. The space between his shoulder and neck was the perfect pillow with it's intoxicating smell. And his warmth made up for not having a blanket.

My favorite part of him though, had to have been his gentle mumbling voice which whispered sweet nonsense into my ear.

"Ambrose," his name rolled of my lips before I could even stop myself. It felt natural to call his name as it did to breathe.

"It's funny how you think he actually already cares for you."

A bucket of ice cold water fell over my head. Quickly turning to the furthest corner a dark misty shadow lurked. It's outer shape quite recognizable.

I gulped the lump stuck in mid throat and glared towards her. "Pandeia, what are you doing here?"

Her light giggle came soaring near as her dark puppet swarm elegantly across the white walls. It continued with her laughter while admiring the utensils Ambrose left laying around.

"My poor sweet Bliss, you should just hand him over to me now." She yawned while the real her hung by a chair. Still hidden by the night there was no view of her round face.

"No, don't you dare lay a hand on him! I forbid you too!" I hissed with a poisonous tone.

Those actions did not scare her. She only shrugged once and sighed slightly. From knowing her attitude well she probably was smiling.

"You can't forbid me, honey. I'm a goddess. And remember what you are sweets? That's right a pathetic little girl." She arose to her feet and an icy grip came onto my ankle. "It's funny how you think he might like you. Did he ask why you were in the woods?"

"No but-"

"Did he leave you in a room with a whole bunch of sharp items after already witnessing you trying to end up on the next boat to Hades?"

"He doesn't have to ask-"

"That should be enough proof there then. Ambrose Norrice doesn't give a damn about you, Bliss Bridge. Your nothing. Absolutely nothing."

Nothing, the word was an endless spiral whirling me around. It rocked me back and forth to its painful rhythm. I wanted to fight her game yet I didn't know how.

"Next time you step in Selene Falls the hunters will kill you. Remember that."

"Don't listen to her!"

I glanced to the other corner where a female my age stood. She wore a white night gown and eyes full of power. Her aura seem quite familiar in a sense I've met her before.

"If I have to take another bullet to protect you, I will."

Take another bullet..., wait.

"Are you the red wolf who-"

"You attempted to take the death wish for? Yes I am. I am future Alpha female: Silver."

I quickly bowed my head in her direction, ignoring Pandeia just for that second to give respect. There was much talk about the alpha's daughter between my guardians. They admired her greatness immensely. They always said if Ares and her got into a battle they were positive she would win.

"You don't need to bow, Bliss. First off, you saved my life and secondly you are part of the family."

Family, this caused me to smile greatly. After years of believing nobody ever consider me in their lives, today I received many people who did.

Pandeia's sudden shout broke the mood. The grip got tighter and she gave one more growl, "they can't protect you. Just because you think they can possibly stop me doesn't mean they can. Remember Bliss, I always get what I want."

At the end of her message the shadows swirled through the wall, they left the area cold and bitter. I looked to Silver who shook with slight anger.

Tear begun to stream from my eyes and she came to the bedside arms open wide. "Whoever that was, honey, she won't get you. I swear to it. Neither me, the pack, or Ambrose will let you end up hurt."

Silver was so kind hearted, just like a real princess should be and as much as I desired to believe her comforting words were real. I understood even the strongest pack couldn't defeat Pandeia. The only person who could was the one scared of her the most. Me.

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