Chapter 19

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When I wake up Stiles is no longer laying next to me. I brush aside my disappointment and try to get out of bed. My body is so heavy. Maybe I'll just go back to sleep and try later. Turning around I see that schools already begun. Wait no we don't have school today. I'm about to call for one of my caretakers anyway when my phone begins it's series of robot noises alerting me to someone calling.

"Hello." I say not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hey Lils."


"No it's batman." He says in a low gravely voice. I chuckle a bit.

"What news do you have for me now?"

"Oh uh well um."

"Words Stilinski." I say with a smile.

"Right well um it seems as though Derek has teamed up with Peter and they want Scott to join in their little pack. And all the people he has been killing have been responsible for burning his house down."

"Great." I mutter into the speaker. That jerk face. I let him come live in my house and he turned around and teamed up with the guy who broke my neck. Black haired chizzle faced males are so aggravating. He better not come to this house again. On second thought...maybe I could get Klaus to chain him up with wolfsbane soaked chains and then shove a whole fistful of it down his throat.... Or maybe not

"Yeah and argent is on Jacksons tail. He really thinks he's the second beta. Scott and I just saved his ass. Again."

"You could've just let Mr. Argent kill him." I say flippantly.

"That's what I said too hit then Scott started going on about how we can't let innocent people die and of course I was like Jackson isn't innocent and then he was like well I can't let Argent kill him when I'm the one they want and all this moral crap. I don't really remember I started tuning him out after a couple seconds." I laugh as he carries on his silly explanation. "Anyway do you have plans today?"

"Yeah I think I'm doing something with Lydia and Allison."

"Oh girl time. That's great or good. Fun. That's fun. Yep."

"You okay Stilinski?"

"What? Yeah I'm pretty gold."

"Okay Ponyboy." I say with a smirk.

"Hey that's my favorite book don't make fun of it!"

"Alright stay gold Ponyboy. Lily has to get ready."

"Did you just talk in the third per-" I hang up there knowing his nonsense really won't stop.

I try to get up again use my headrest for control. It takes a minute but soon I'm standing and pouring the water for a bath. Showers take too much effort these days which is really upsetting. I push my body even further to get in the tub and feel my energy drained. Cancer really sucks. I push myself to finish bathing and get out of the tub.
"Where exactly are you taking us?" I ask.

"The woods." Allison replies shortly

"I am not wearing hiking shoes Allison!" Lydia complains from the back. It took a hard core battle of Rock Paper Scissors for me to win shotgun.

"It's fine Lyd you walk like an angel I'm sure you won't fall." I smile back for reassurance.

"Yeah and it's not like you don't have plenty more." Allison says rather rudely.

"Allison be nice!"

"I'm trying but she made out with Scott!"

"I apologized!" Lydia pops her head up between us.

"And I still haven't really forgiven you yet." Allison declares. I'm feeling very awkward right now.

"Look Allison I'm sorry!"

"We'll talk about this later." Allison voices. "I found something I want you guys to look at with me." She pulls into a parking spaces and pops her trunk before getting out. I follow wearily behind her. "My parents have been acting really weird lately." She explains. "So I was doing a bit of snooping and I found this." She pulls out an arrow with a type of bulb at the end.

"What are you gonna do with it?" I ask nervously.

"Shoot it." She says with a smirk. Okay I'm all for archery and stuff but maybe having something that could potentially kill some of my friends is a bad idea.

"Um I'm kind of against this plan." Lydia speaks up from beside me. "We don't know what it could do." I nod as she talks completely agreeing with her.

"That's why we're shooting it." Allison say with a smirk before turning and practically slipping into the woods.

"We could book now?" I suggest to Lydia.

"We can't leave her now." she says with a serious face.

"I knew you were going to say that." I sigh. "Alright let's follow this new found Robin Hood." She smiles at me and we link our arms before following the stubborn brunette.

New Chapter! It took forever I know but we have to do these stupid PARCC tests😒 Anyway I can't find a website to watch the episodes on so the rest of this season are going to be improved. !!!Comment how you feel!!!!!!!!! And if I made any mistakes.

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