Chapter 20

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"Allison, I really think this is a bad idea." I say glancing at her mysterious arrow and back to the regular one she's notching in the bow. "I mean regular arrows sure. We've all done it. Well I prefer crossbows they're easier to work with. But that arrow has a mysterious bulge at the end that could end up being a bomb and we'd all go boom."

"I doubt it Lily. It'll be fine. Why would my parents have a bomb arrow?"

"I don't know Allison why do they have regular arrows? And guns?" She rolls her eyes at my sarcastic tone. She pulls back the string and releases the regular arrow. It lodges itself nicely in the middle of the trunk. Impressive. She picks up the mysterious arrow and notches it. I take a deep breath and step back. I feel Lydia grab my hand but keep my eyes on Allison. It's almost in slow motion as she pulls her arm back, fingers brushing the side of her face, and releasing it. Holding my breath it strikes the tree. Light showers everywhere but no explosion. The three of us are silent for a few minutes before I break out in a grin.

"We're still alive." I shout into the woods. For now...

"Lily shush." Allison reprimands.

"What? Why?"

"I thought I heard something." she says cautiously walking deeper into the woods.

"If you heard something maybe you shouldn't go towards the sound." Lydia speaks up. Allison walks back to us and shoves the bow and arrows in Lydia's arms. "What am I supposed with these?" She asks. Eyes big.

"Shoot." Lydia involuntarily moved the weapon further from herself. I walk forwards and grab the bow from her hands. Lifting it up I test the tension before grabbing an arrow.

"Eh what are you doing?" Lydia shrieks at me.

"I'm shooting." I respond sending a smirk her way.

"You're absolutely crazy!" She shrieks.

"Goodness gracious Lyd! If whatever's out there didn't know we were here before it definitely does now!" I hear her let out an eek and step closer to me.

"Do you actually know how to shoot that?" She asks quietly.

"Of course. I've done it loads of times." killing vampires. Elena never wanted me to be close to the action so I would take them down from afar. Kind of like a sniper with a bow. Or Katniss. Or like a bad ass zombie hunter.

Lydia and I stand there waiting for Allison for about 5 minutes before she comes back. I immediately notice the necklace Scott stole around her neck. I smirk, the sound was Scott probably spying on Allison.

"Allison I thought you lost your necklace?"

"Oh I uh just ran into Scott. After I tazed him accidentally he told me he found it-" I cut off her explanation with a fit of laughter.

"You tazed him? That is so great!" She looks down guiltily.

"No it wasn't I feel bad." I chuckle a little bit more before handing the bow to its rightful owner. She takes it in her hands before we all start a trek back to her car.

"When are we going dress shopping for the formal?" Lydia asks suddenly. "I need a shopping trip soon after being drug out her by you." She declares giving Allison a pointed look.

"We will this week I promise!" Allison grins at her before turning to me. "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Positive. I'll still go shopping with you guys though!"

"It still won't be the same without you." The brunette states getting into the car.

"Sorry Al. Drop me off at Stiles house will ya?"
"Stiles!" I knock on his front door repeatedly. I hear the shuffling of feet and the sound of someone falling on the floor before the door opens. A red faced wheezing Stiles stands before me. I laugh at his disheveled state.

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