Chapter 14

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"Idiot!" I scream bonking Derek on the head. "you should've told me last night!" I yell bonking him on the head again. He won't defend himself because he's afraid of hurting poor old cancer sick me. It makes me angry. I hit him a couple more times just for good measure. "So the Argents know that there's a second beta and they think it's Jackson? This is just bloody brilliant!" I throw my hands up in exasperation. "Look at this! You've made me so bloody angry I'm talking bloody British!" I yell at him. I don't exactly know when the habit started but whenever I get too angry I just start putting bloody in front of everything. I probably got it from Ron Weasley the soulless ginger.

"Jesus I'm sorry okay!" I look at Derek and see his eyes wide. Did I actually just scare him a little? I start to laugh and he looks at me like I'm even crazier. "Scott was apologizing to you last night. What did he say to you?"

"It was nothing." I say softly before cursing as my eyes tear up. Derek's eyes darken.

"What'd he say." He almost growls.

"Calm down kitten." I say with a smirk.

"Lily." he says with almost the same pointed look Damon used to give me.

"Well he said he's been smelling me. Don't know why you wolves always do that." I say with a chuckle. "Yeah um he told me that him and Stiles don't trust me and that I should just hurry up and die because it'll happen eventually." This time a feral growl does rip from his throat.

"I'm going to kill him." He says grabbing his leather jacket and heading towards the door.

"Eh Derek!" I hop off my stool and grab his arm. "You are not going to kill him!" I scold puffing my cheeks angrily. I put my pointy finger up in front of his face. "Bad sour wolf." I shake it back and forth until he lets out a chuckle.

"You're so weird."

"Shut up. Did anything else happen last night I should know about?" His lack of response make me grind my teeth together. "Derek.."

"I kind of made out with your aunt."

"You didn't have sex with her?" I ask a little too casually.

"No i didn't." Derek replies giving me a pointed look.

"Oh...shame." I proclaim disappointed. This time Derek does hit my head. "Ouch.." I smirk as a devious plan sprouts in my mind. I let out a groan and clutch my stomach. "Ow Der..." I let out the most gruesome of fake coughs I can muster.

"Shit! Lily are you okay?" Is he really asking me that? "What do you need? Medicine? Water? Uh Stiles?" I stop coughing and let out a cackle that would make witches wince.

"What was that Derek?" I put on my Rebekah glare and look up at him. I take my middle finger and my thumb and release hells flick upon his forehead. He looses his balance and begins to fall when I dash around him. "I may be sick but I'll still kick your ass wolf boy!" I tell him and rush out to my car. Turning the key in the ignition I fire her up and put in my T. Swift CD. I change to reverse and start backing out when I hit something. Slamming on the break I look back. Nothing is there. I could have sworn... something hits my side window and I jump taking my foot off the break. Crap on a cracker! I slam my foot back down and look to the right. When I see him I wish I would have hit him harder. Pushing down on a button the window slowly opens.

"Scott. Nice to see you. What can I do for you this fine morning?" I strain to put a smile on my face.

"Lily... I'm so sorry about last night okay? None of it is true I swear! I trust you and so does Stiles. You're our friend." I let out a sigh.

"You were right though Scott. That's what upsets me. I'm keeping so many secrets. You guys have no idea who I really am. You have no idea about my past. Even now you know nothing. Everything I've been through. All the loss I've suffered..... You were right Scott I'm sick and I'm dying."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"How could I? You both have had so much to deal with. Scott you're a newly turned werewolf and there's an alpha out there you need to catch."

"Oh Lily. Stiles is going to be pissed when he finds out."

"Tell me about it." I say wiping a tear.
"You both deserve to know about my past but I can't tell you yet."

"Okay." he sighs. I can tell he's disappointed but what can he expect after last night? I just can't bring myself to open up to him tear myself wide open and just let him see everything. I don't know if I'll ever let someone else consume my pains. "Wait what's wrong with you Lily?" I let out a laugh. He just now thinks about that small detail.

"Cancer. I've been going through chemo for awhile." I explain taking off my wig. "That's why I miss a day or two of school every week." I watch his face form into something I can't read. "It's probably what you smell on me too. All of the chemicals." Glancing at the clock on my dash I see school starts in 10 minutes. "Shit! Get in the car Scott we're going to be late!" I scream putting my wig back on.

"Damn!" He jumps in the passenger seat and I drive like a bat out of hell.

Sorry it's so short. I've been having an on and off cold and school has been crazy. Anyway I hope you liked it! Derek and Lily are my brotp.

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