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I stare intently at the wall I find myself most often gazing at. There's nothing particularly interesting about the walls here at the Salvatore boarding house. It's often though now a days I find myself looking at them, thinking. Or possibly trying not to think. To not think about how broken I am. It takes a lot to break someone. You don't suddenly feel as if everyday isn't worth living. You don't have the ever present could emptiness screwing with your head. There has to be a reason. Something tragic that pushes on a person until they crack. When you think about it humans are like eggshells. We crack of something hits us hard but we shatter after being hit many times. As we start to realize the horrors of living in our world we think we can handle it. We trick ourselves into thinking everything will turn out alright. It won't though. There are some things you'll never be able to mend. For me it's that I have no one. My entire family is dead. One by one I witnessed their deaths. I also had to loose my best friends, Nora and Lyra. Murdered right before my eyes. I couldn't do anything to prevent it. We are naive like that. We believe that if the situation arises we can handle it. We can protect the ones we love. But we can't. My gaze upon these walls used to just be about pondering life, though now they are full of spite. I'm trapped in these walls. They're holding me hostage and I have no escape.

I suppose I could simply just leave. What would I do about Elena though? She's a baby vamp. She turned off her emotions. She set our house on fire and watched it burn to the ground. God damnit! Why? How come she gets to turn it off? Our brother just died! She was the only one I had left! I needed her. I still need her. Bonnie has tried to comfort me but I know she's in just as much pain as me. I'm just happy at least she hasn't died. My gaze is drawn to the lapis lazuli ring on my finger. How many times has it brought me back to life? Why am I still alive? I can't handle this pain. Everyday I feel it just suffocating me more and more. Why doesn't anyone notice? Why didn't anyone care? Oh! That's right their precious little Elena needs help too. I love her to death but seriously! This always seem to go her way. I mean she's been through a lot of shit but she still has her best friends and lovers. She had me. I could do it. I could leave right? No one would care. Pulling out my phone I dial the number of the person that always seems to be there when I need help.

"Hello?" A British accent asks humbly, from many years of life.

"Elijah, I need your help."

"What is it?"

"I need to leave and I want you to help me."

"I'll be there within the hour."He says in a worried voice. A ghost of a smile appearing on my face. I run to my room and pack a small bag of pictures and other memoir. Most of my clothes are ash and I'm sure Elijah would be willing to supply more. I glance around my room. Damon let me decorate it for when we had to sleep here. Light purple walls. The mural of the lake at our lake house. The dent in the ceiling where I threw my alarm clock when Stefan tried to wake me. I nod my head in a silent goodbye and exit the house. Suddenly there's something blocking my path. I look up to the bright blue eyes of Damon.

"What are you doing Lily." I fidget trying to come up with an answer.

"A purple panda needs my help!" My mouth spouts.

"A panda needs your help?" He asks, amusement in his eyes.

"Not just a panda! A purple one! They're going extinct and need someone to fight for their rights?" My statement coming off like a question.

"What are you really doing?" His expression turns hard.

"Leaving." I proclaim gathering my confidence and matching his cold state with my own. Suddenly I'm in the air and flying through the front door. I land with a thud and groan as a piece of wood lodges itself in my shoulder.

"You are not leaving."

"You can't control me Damon!" I yell standing up.

"I don't give a damn what kind of excuses you make. You are staying here and being a good little sister. Elena is going through a hard time and is going to need your help. Stop being a little bitch and cooperate."

"I said I'm not staying! Elena isn't going through a hard time! She's having the time of her life running around draining people without any remorse or feeling. I won't stay here and watch her kill people Damon! She may have lost all emotions but I still have mine. I still remember every death in detail. Every night I can't sleep because my dreams are plagued by nightmares. I can't love like this anymore!" I scream as tears start to put down my face and I collapse on my knees. His eyes soften for a moment before glaring again.

"I understand, but I can't let you go." My tears fall harder when all of a sudden a wooden stake is in his stomach.

"Sorry Damon but little Lily will be coming with me." Strong arms envelope me and I take in the calming scent of Lijah. He sets me in the passenger seat of my car and starts to drive as I cry myself to sleep.


My eyes crack open slowly, met with harsh rays of light and the wonderful aroma of coffee.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty. " Elijah smirks down at me. I shift around and notice the blood stain on my shirt. Damon that bastard! "Don't worry I gave you some of my blood so you're all healed up."

"Where are we?"

"A small town called Beacon Hills, California." California....what the hell? I glance out the car window and see a nice two story house.

"So are we staying here?" I point to the house.

"You are. I'm very sorry Lily but I have to go back to Klaus and make sure he doesn't do anything too catastrophic."

"When are you leaving me?" He sighs not making eye contact.

"Now. I compelled you this house and left money for you in a bank account. I also compelled some workers to furnish your house so now you just need clothes. I already signed you up for school and you start Monday. I offer you my highest apologies dear Lily but undersand that I must leave."

"It's okay. Klaus is dangerous and he needs you. Don't worry I'll be fine." I force a smile on my face and watch as he drives away. Great. Now what am I supposed to do? I walk into my new house and go to the nearest bedroom throwing myself on the bed and sleeping.

Hey everyone! So this is just a prologue! I hope you liked it. This is my first fanfic! Comment what you think. Even if it's bad I'd love to hear!

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