Chapter 12

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I lean over the toilet dry heaving. Any food in my stomach long gone after my chemo this morning. This cancer thing is literally killing me. Hehe that's punny. I lay back on the old tile of my bathroom floor. Cold sweat covers my back and shivers rack through my body. Klaus and Elijah left this morning. Apparently this town is just too boring because I set a rule that klaus couldn't kill anyone. I guess that was just too much of a struggle for him. And wherever Klaus goes Elijah too. I let out a sigh. Something I've been doing quite often lately. My gaze turns upward towards the ceilings. I've upgraded from staring at walls to staring at ceilings. Great. A buzzing starts in my back pocket and I grab my phone.

"Hello?" I ask without checking the caller ID.

"Lily!" I hear Stiles slurred voice I exclaim. "Beautiful wonderful Lily Gilbert. Wait what's your middle name?"

"Are you drunk Stilinski?"

"Maybeeeee." I hear Scott in the background yelling at him to shut up. "You know I just thought of you and I started to miss you. I like hearing your voice." Scott groans in the background.

"You like my voice huh?"

"Oh yeah. I like all of you!"

"That's really sweet of you to say Stiles." I reply, a blush forming on my cheeks.

"Yeah but you've been gone a lot lately. You were always with me when you came. I want you back Lil. I want you to stay with me forever!" He says that but what about Lydia?

"I don't believe in forever Stilinski."

"What is it that you're keeping so secret Lily? Why can't you tell me about it? I want you to share your problems with me. I want to be able to comfort you when you need it. I want to be the one to fix your problems."

"What if my problems can't be fixed Stiles?"

"I can fix them. I'm the hero Lily Gilbert deserves." He says quoting batman.

"You're such a doofus." I say with a smile on my face. "Why don't you be the hero Lydia deserves."

"I don't want Lydia anymore Lily I-" The connection gets cut off. Most likely Scott taking the phone from him. what was he going to say? My heart swells up at the ideas running through my mind.

NO. I'm not going to do this. Not yet. I'm still not healthy. I'm still dying. The more I open my heart the more I have to lose. I've already lost so much. But what's the point in living if you have nothing to loose? if you have no one to love? That's really the whole point isn't it?

Ugh. I sigh and walk into my bedroom popping my Doctor Who season 6 box set in the DVD player. I crawl under my covers and hold my unicorn stuffed animal to my chest. Relaxing I watch as the doctor pops into Rory and Amy's wedding. I've always loved this episode. Suddenly I hear a scratching on my window. Before I can even blink, it opens, and a large body climbs through.

"Hey Derek." I say with a smile. "Been awhile."

"You look like shit."

"So do you." I say observing his unwashed ruffled hair and wrinkly clothes.

"I live in an abandoned, burnt down house." He says with a smirk thinking I'll reply with a sarcastic remark.

"And i am dying of cancer." I retort.

"Have you told them yet?" He asks turning serious. I roll my eyes.

"No Derek. I already told you I don't want them to know!"

"They're your best friends! Don't you think they deserve to know? Imagine how mad they'll be when they find out!"

"They'll find out when I die." He lets out a long sigh and stares at my tv.

"This show is stupid." I says bluntly.

"What?! It's like fire and ice and rage. It's like the night and the storm and the heart of the sun. It's ancient and forever. It burns at the center of time. It can see the turn of the universe. And...its wonderful."

"You and Stiles would really be so good together. Dork couple of the year."

"Derek!" I proclaim embarrassed. "We're not going to date!"

"Right. That's good because I'd probably scare him away with the talk."

"The talk?"

"Well since you have no one else to do it I figured I will."

"Oh okay." I say turning around to lay so I'm not facing him. "I'm going to sleep now you should go." I whisper trying to hold back my tears.


"Yes Derek my entire family is dead. My big brother and my dad but that doesn't mean that I'm not part of a family. My friends here. Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah, they would all rip out someone's heart who hurt me." I cry thinking of Jeremy.

"What are they Lily? They're definitely not human."

"You're right they're not human. Now please leave." After a few moments I hear Derek turn and climb out the window. I wipe the tears from my face and relax into my mattress. I welcome the darkness that comes.

I know it's really short and I'm sorry but schools killing me and I haven't had the time to watch the episode to refresh my mind. I hope your weeks will be good.

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