Chapter 21

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My eyes flutter open and I immediately remember the face I saw before loosing consciousness. I sit-up quickly and look around. I'm on the couch in the living room and he's sitting in the chair directly across from me.

"Jer..?" I ask confused. My heart is pounding and my mind like a jumbled mess. The part of me that I've felt missing for so long finally making an appearance once again. I choke on a sob looking at my twin brother. "You died!" He starts to walk towards me but I put my hand up to stop him. I must be dreaming right? He's already died like 3 times I don't think rising from the dead extends that much. This time was real too. I watched the house burn.


"Am I dead? Did I just die and now we're in heaven which looks considerably like my house?" I ask immediately. "Because that's really the only solution considering that I watched as our house burned down with you inside." I mutter running over my words.


"No no no no. You burned Jer. I've finally started to come to terms with it. I'm finally moving on. You died! I mean it was for real this time! I mourned and mourned because I thought there was no way for you to come back!" Tears are pouring down my face and running into my lips. "I felt so sad Jeremy! I was completely alone in the world! After everything that happened you were my anchor and I lost you! I-I were gone..."

"I know I know." He says and breaks the space between us wrapping his arms around me. I push myself into his embrace desperate for the feeling of my brother alive and well. "I was watching you from the other side. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." He cries into the fake hair of my wig.

"How'd you come back?" I ask pulling away from him.

"Bonnie did a spell that brought me back." My heart swells and the affection I hold for the petite witch grows.

"Why didn't she come with you to see me?" I question disappointedly. The urge to thank her and hug her to death prominent in my mind. I watch as Jer's eyes shift down and fill with guilt. An idea pops into my head and I gasp. "She didn't..?" My heart drops into my stomach and the world slows. She was the one I counted on to always be alive. She was the innocent one who didn't need to be dragged into all of our problems. She was always fixing the Salvatore's of my sister's mistakes. I grab my brother and hold him tight knowing how much he loved the witch. He cries in my shoulder while I rub his back, a few tears escaping my eyes as well.

"Can you see her?" I ask quietly knowing of his ability to see those from the other side.


"Is she here now?" I ask, tension high in my body.


"Tell her I said thank you when you do okay?" He nods in the space between my shoulder and my neck.

"Rebekah told me." He states suddenly. I know what he's talking about without him having to say it. Twin telepathy and all.

"I'm sorry." I whisper feeling angry that he's finally back but I may be leaving soon.

"How are you?" He asks pulling away.

"I'm fine." I say putting on a smile.

"You act like nothing's wrong, so people don't worry about you. You always have but Lily I know okay? You don't have to hide it from me." The truth of his words strike straight through my body. Like a catalyst I feel the need to tell him everything.

"I'm scared Jer. I don't want to die and I've made so many wonderful friends! It hurt so badly sometimes but I never wished for death because I decided I had to live for you."

"I wish I could protect you." He claims with a frown.

"You don't need to. You being here is enough."

"Tell me about your new friends." He demands, intrigued.

"They're amazing! They take such good care of me and are all wonderful people. My friends Scott and Derek are werewolves and then there's Lydia, Allison, and Stiles."

"What kind of name is Stiles?" He asks with a laugh.

"It's a nickname! He's a really good person and super funny and nice and caring and he treats me so well."

"So you have a crush on him then?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"What? Stiles?" I try to play it off but he gives me a knowing look. "Okay maybe a little but it wouldn't workout. At least not right now."

"I don't think there's ever a good time." He says frowning. I frown too remembering Vicki, Anna, and Bonnie. All of his girlfriends are dead.

"We'll see. I don't even know if he likes me."

"He better like you! You're hot what else would he want?"

"Jeremy!" I yell punching his arm.

"Ha I'll beat him up if he rejects you don't worry." I roll my eyes at his joke that probably wasn't actually one. "What about the other two? Lydia and Allison?"

"They're great! Lydia is really pretty and she acts kind of like preppy Caroline and Allison is a mix between Bonnie and Elena I think. She's really cool but her family are werewolf hunters and she's dating me Scott...."

"Poor guy." We both laugh, chat a bit more, and embrace again before Rebekah comes home demanding I need to go to sleep.

Laying down in bed I have a blooming worried feeling sprouting in my gut. Something's wrong. Very wrong. My gut feelings are usually right. Pulling out my phone I call Scott. If something is wrong I'm sure he'll know what it is.

"Hello?" It's not his voice that answers but another mans increasing my anxiety.

"Where's Scott?" I ask forcefully.

"On a table of mine." He says. "Found him in the woods. Looks like he got a round shot into him. I'm fixing him up now."

"Who are you?" I question the man.

"I'm the vet." If this weren't such a serious situation I would have laughed at the irony.

"He's healing right?" I ask in a shaky voice.

"Slowly but I'll take care of him don't worry." Even with his reassurance I feel somewhat doubtful.

"Okay um thanks for helping him I guess." I voice awkwardly.

"Of course. I'm his boss." With saying that he hangs up the phone. I put down my phone contemplating the conversation I just had and decide the best thing to do is just sleep.

New chapter! Not as long as the other ones but I had to get a reunion in there! Did anyone think it would be Jeremy? Have a good week and comment and vote!

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