Chapter 7

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"I'm sorry Miss. Gilbert. Your test results show that you have stage 3 stomach cancer." A doctor tells me and my mind goes blank.

1 hour earlier~

"This really isn't necessary Derek."

"Shut up."

"You're so rude!"

"Something is wrong with you Lily! I can smell it."

"That's creepy." I mutter.

"Why are you not worried?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you want to die? Is that it?"

"I-" I pause. It is strange how much I push my thoughts of the blood to the back of my mind. I mean I don't want to kill myself but- maybe, maybe a natural cause wouldn't be so bad? I could be with Jer and Aunt Jenna and my parents. I wouldn't have to live in constant fear and sadness. But now I have Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, hell even Jackson. They're my family now.

"I don't want to die."

"Then shut up." He says with a smirk.

"Oh quiet you sour wolf."

"Sour wolf?"

"Stiles came up with it. It fits perfectly!"

"You know your heart sped up a little when you said his name."

"What? No it didn't!"

"Yes it did."

"Whatever." I mumble.

"It's okay to admit you have a little puppy crush on Stilinski."

"I don't have a puppy crush!"

"The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one." He says pulling into the hospital lot.

"I don't have a problem." I pout. I get out of the car before making my way to the front entrance.

"Uh uh." Derek says before lifting me up by the back of my shirt like a kitten. "We're going to the emergency room."

"You're so annoying."

"And you're irresponsible." I humph at his response and trudge into the emergency wing. Walking up to the lady at the desk I clear my throat.

"Can I help you?"

"She needs an emergency meeting with a doctor." I roll my eyes when Derek intervenes.

"What's wrong hun?" She asks me.

"She's been vomiting blood." The woman behind the desk is suddenly serious.

"I'll page a doctor. Wait just one moment." She says before paging a doctor.

"Really?" I ask Derek.


"I can talk for myself."

"You would under exaggerate your problem." I heave a sigh. Two minutes later a doctor shows up.

"Hello Miss..."

"Lily Gilbert."

"Okay Lily. I'm Dr. Swenon. So you've been vomiting blood?"

"Yes. For the last week I guess." I reply.

"Okay well there are lot of things it could be so I'm going to run some tests. I'll start with an x-ray."

"Alright." I follow him into a room down the hall and lay on the cold hard table.

"This won't take long. I'll be in a room right up there watching the scans."

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