Chapter 7

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Snowdrift sneaked out that night through the secret entrance by one of the underwater caves. Snowdrift took off and flew to the Ice Kingdom

Meanwhile, back at Jade Mountain, Falcon was pacing the cave. Where is she? She didn't. Did she? Falcon thought. He walked out of the cave to the head of schools room. She was not there. He checked by the secret entrance by the underwater pool. There was a thin layer of ice on the edges of the lake. She did. How could she? he thought. I have a choice, to stay here and not face her in battle or defend my tribe? he thought about her last words to him. I've got loyalties to my kingdom too, you know? She had said. He went out of the cave and flew to the Sky Kingdom.

Snowdrift flew all night and rested in the morning and ate. Then she took off again. She reached the Ice kingdom in the evening. She decided to go checkout how much the Ice Kingdom has melted. She reached the edge in no time at all. Wow, she thought. Then took off towards the Ice Palace, enjoying the cold.

Back at Jade Mountain... Tide woke up to the sound of a knock at the door. "Come in," She said. The teacher of the Silver Winglet walked in. " Falcon and Snowdrift haven't been in their classes all day," He said. Cyclone sighed. "Snowdrift came into my den and asked to return home to help in a war, I said no, so I am guessing she decided to sneak out," She said. "Well she will already be back at the Ice Kingdom by now so we might as well just let her go," She said. "And I am guessing Falcon followed her or went back to the Sky Kingdom," He said.

Falcon reached the Sky Palace in the morning. He went to find his father. He found him in the palace garden, taking a walk. "Hello, father," he said. "It is nice to see you again, Falcon," General Alpine said. "So, how is the war going? Are we winning?" Falcon asked. "Yes, we are winning."

Back at the Ice Kingdom Snowdrift went to find her mother. She looked around the palace and found her in the throne room sitting in her chair, reading. "Mother, it is great to see you again," she smiled. "And it's good to see you again too," she said. "So, how is the war going?" Snowdrift asked. "W-we're losing, my army is starving, there hasn't been much food," she said. "I am afraid we will have to start looking for land up north, maybe a nice island," Silvermoon said. "What! No! we can't do that yet and you have me and I'm like an instant death weapon," Snowdrift said. "Yes, but still, what if it isn't enough," Silvermoon said. There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Silvermoon said. An Icewing teacher from Jade Mountain walked in and bowed, tailing him where the Icewing dragonets from the academy. "The Skywings ordered us out of Jade Mountain, since it is there territory," The Icewing said. "Wow," she said. "They thought we would plan a surprise attack. Which is ridiculous, cause what could 8 dragons do?" the Icewing said. Snowdrift snorted. "Okay, you are dismissed, return the dragonets back to their homes," Silvermoon said. "Snowdrift, we shall plan an attack, you will be in the front line," Silvermoon said, "and you must be exhausted, go to your room and rest, and I will start planning."  Snowdrift headed to her room.

In her room she layed down and fell asleep. She dreamed that she was in the war fighting with Falcon above the cold sea. He charged at her and she fell into the cold sea and the water started to freeze around her and then everything went black. Snowdrift woke up. That was a very vivid dream, She thought. Snowdrift shivered and got up and went for a walk in the Frosted Gardens. That is not going to happen in real life, Snowdrift kept telling herself.

She went to find her mother in the throne room with one of her generals and a few captains, hovering over a map, planning. "Oh, there you are Snowdrift! We will be putting you up against the Skywings own death weapon, their firescales," Silvermoon said. Snowdrifts jaw dropped. "I-I can't my frost and his fire would even us out and he is way bigger then me i would totally lose in a fight against him," Snowdrift protested. "Good point," the general said. "Let's have her on the left flank where the better Skywing soldiers are," he said. "Okay. Then it is settled, Snowdrift will be on the left flank," Silvermoon announced.

In the Skywing Kingdom General Alpine led Falcon into the Throne Room where the queen was planning the war with some one of the other generals. "Here is the firescales," his father said. "Where should we put him?" Alpine asked. "We are thinking on the right flank," The Queen said. "Alright," Falcon said. "That's where we are thinking the frostscales will be, since the right flank is their weaker side," The general said. "Okay," Falcon said.

Snowdrift was immediately sent to the war the next day, which was only a short time away. She saw a dragon flying back to the palace. Must be a messenger she thought. When she reached the war she saw thousands of dead bodies on the ground. It was impossible to count all the bodies. Snowdrift flew to the ground and headed for the left flank. She headed for the front stepping on several dead bodies in the process. She was almost to the front when a messenger stopped her. "A message from your mother, she says she has found a large island for the Icewings, just in case," he said and then walked away. She went up to the front line and started fighting for her kingdom.

Snowdrift was lashing out at SkyWings with her talons and tail. She flapped her wings and hit several Skywings, who started screaming. She snapped at a dragon who was trying to spear her. The Skywing backed down quickly. She lashed out until her whole body ached. She walked to the edge of the fight and lashed out at any Skywing who tried to spear her. She was exhausted and rested for a moment before going back into the fight again, but stayed towards the edge.

Falcon lashed out at Icewings with his tail and bat his wings at some Icewings. When he got tired he retreated towards the back, where a messenger came and go him. "The frostscales is on the left flank General Alpine orders you to go over there," she said. Falcon nodded, but instead of going to the left flank he retreated and headed to the forest by the war. I can't fight her I could kill her, He thought and rested by a fallen tree.

General Alpine flew up looking around to find his son. There was no sign of him anywhere. Hmm, he thought. He flew back down. He talked to one of the captains and told him to send some scouts to find Falcon. He flew around above the forest and looking through the trees. Finally he spotted a large dragon with a trail of black behind him. He flew down towards his son.

Falcon was sent back to the left flank with a stern talking to.He flew to the left flank but stayed in the back, the captain of the left flank eyed him suspiciously. Falcon lashed at some of the Icewings that got to the back. Eventually, somehow, he managed to get to the front. His eyes met Snowdrift she held his gaze for a moment before lunging at him, he stumbled backwards in surprise.

Snowdrift lunged at Falcon and he stumbled almost falling backwards. I can't believe I am doing this, I can't believe she's doing this. I am doing this for my kingdom, that is where my loyalties lay. She lashed out with her talons and whipped him across the face with it, blinding him. She bit his neck, and he yelped in pain. He lashed out with his talons and whipped her with his wings. She backed up and flew into the air and shot frostbreath at him. He took off towards her, she blew frostbreath in his eyes and he rubbed them with his talons. He charged at her but she dodged him and flew behind him and shoved him towards the frosty ground, he crashed to the ground, and Snowdrift heard a crack, that seemed to echo. Her eyes clouded with worry, but he just flew up at her and shoved her farther into the air, there was a sharp pain in her chest. She looked at Falcon and realized his flight was off balance, he most have cut his wing when he fell on the ice. And the crack must have been from him falling on it. She realized. She charged at Falcon and lashed at his face with her talons, and spun around and whipped him with her tail before backing up. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. "I don't want to hurt you, just please stop fighting," he pleaded. "No, my loyalties are to my family, my kingdom, n- not love, especially with a dragon from another kingdom," Snowdrift yelled back at him. He charged at her and she went flying backwards towards the ice, she fell to the ground and there were several cracks. THAT was some bones breaking,  She thought in pain. There was a loud crack and the ice split under her and she went plunging into the sea. She tried to get backup but her broken bones wouldn't let her. Her lungs burned from not being able to breathe. She felt a splash before everything went dark.

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