Chapter 6 (has been rewritten.)

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Snowdrift wakes up the next day feeling oddly warm. She looks over and realizes she isn't in her corner anymore. She was in Falcon's corner laying beside him. He wakes up moments later, his eyes widen at the sight. I get up and stretch my wings and he does the same. Our wingtips brush and I blush. "So, how about we go eat pretend this never happened?" she asks. "I don't know I kinda liked it," he says, blushing fiercely. "Me too," She says quietly. 

The prey room is crowded with people. A Seawing comes up to us. "Come on in, I can help you through the crowd." She says and before they can protest she grabs our arms. She starts screaming and frost and fire travel up each arm. "Quick, swap arms," Snowdrifts says. They swap arms and the flame and frost stop. A Mudwing sees us. "Help! The two monsters are killing the dragonet!" The dragonets in the room turn their heads to us and starts chasing us. 

We start running through the caves. "Follow me," Falcon says. We turn and race down a tunnel that ends in a pool of water. They run around the pool and behind some rocks that are on the other side of the pool. The dragonets come in and look around. We see Vortex and Raindrop come in and calm down the dragonets. Once they're calm we walk out from behind the rocks all the dragonets turn and glare at us, a few lunge at us, but Vortex and Raindrop stop them. "Dolphin forgot about there unique condition and touched them. It is not their fault," Raindrop explains. "Still, they don't belong here!" Somebody says. Snowdrift flinches. "Today is mail day, go get your mail," Vortex tells the dragonets. They exit the cave. She and Falcon stay in the cave knowing that in the mail room it would be crowded so they'd have to wait. 

They wait 30 minutes before heading to the mail room. There were only two letters left, one for Falcon and one for Snowdrift. I grab mine and read.

Dear Darling Snowdrift,

The Skywings have called war. We need you, they claim they have a dangerous weapon, but I don't think anything is more dangerous than you.

Love, your mother.


Nothing is more dangerous than me, except Falcon. I drop the letter and it floats to the floor. Falcon clears his throat. "I was wondering if you could read me mine since I can't," he says. "Of course," she says and picks up his letter. 

"Falcon, You have been dissmissed from Jade Mountain Academy. We have declared war on the Icewings and need your help. Come home now.

Your Queen, Crimson." 

I read. He frowns. "My letter says the same only in nicer words," She says. "Well, are you going home?" He asks me. "I don't know, maybe." She says. "But what about me? You're probably going to have to fight me," He says. "I've got loyalties to my kingdom too, you know?" She says and walks out of the room. 

I go and find my sister. I find her flirting with a Seawing. I clear my throat and she looks over. "What?" She asks, annoyed. "Are you going to be going home?" I ask. "No, I like it here, its peaceful. What about you? Are you going to stay here with your boyfriend?" She says. "First, he is not my boyfriend and second, yes, I am going." I turn and walk to the headmaster's office. Tide is Tsunami's daughter, and she inherited Jade Mountain and is next in line for the throne. She sits at her desk, writing. "I was wondering if I could go back home?" I ask. "No," she says not even looking up. Okay, I guess I will have to sneak out. I walk out of the room. 

Wings of Fire: The Ice and Stars prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now