Chapter 5

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Falcon was hunting when he spotted Snowdrift flying over. She landed next to him, their wings brushing. He smiled. "What's up?" He asked. "We have to return to the Old Ice Kingdom. We need to find out who poisoned my mother," She says. "You're the queen now, you can't just leave," He says. She hesitates, thinking. "I can leave Bermal in charge," She decides. "Alright, let's go get ShiftingSky," I respond and we fly off towards the castle. 

We find ShiftingSky in the library, of course. We knock on the stone wall and she jumps her scroll fluttering to the ground. "What?" She asks. "We're going back to the Old Ice Kingdom, to find my mother's killer," Snowdrift declares. The librarian shushes us, before realizing who we are. We walk out of the cave. "I'm leaving Bermal in charge while we're gone, I've already talked to her about it," Snowdrift says. They stopped at Bermal's room and told her about their journey. She didn't like it but she agreed anyway. "I'm coming with!" ShiftingSky declares. "Well yeah, of course," Falcon says and smiles.

They go to their cave and start packing, well ShiftingSky packs, since we can't. Falcon remembers the ring on his finger and takes it off. "This is for you," I say and hand it to Snowdrift. It doesn't melt when I touch it, so I figured you might be able to wear it," I explain. "Thanks," she says and takes it in her hand checking to see if it freezes, when it doesn't she slips it on her finger. "Are we all ready?" ShiftingSky asks and walks over, a packed bag hanging on her neck. We nod. 

On the flight there ShiftingSky was fiddling with a glittering rainbow rock. "What's that?" I ask. "The rock of Opal," she replies. "I was thinking about Queen Silvermoon's last words. "Trust the Opal for they are the keepers of Ice and Snow," she says. I ponder about it for the rest of the flight. 

We arrive the next day at midday. I inhale the smell of the snow, or what was left of it. They fly the short flight to the castle. 

Once inside they split up, ShiftingSky and I go to the kitchens to search for evidence and Snowdrift goes to the dining room. On the way to the kitchen ShiftingSky grabs a necklace made of silver that was welded into intricate designs. She whispers something, I'm guessing an enchantment to it, and slips it on. 

They make it to the kitchen and ShiftingSky starts touching every object. Every time she touched an object she completely froze and her eyes rolled back and then she'd go back to normal. She freezes and then gasps when she touched a plate. The plate was beautiful, complicated gold designs with sapphires, amethyst and diamonds embedded in it. "Crimson. Crimson poisoned the queen," ShiftingSky whispers and slips off the necklace. We rush into the dining room where Snowdrift is searching. "Crimson! Crimson did it!" ShiftingSky says. "Just as I thought," Snowdrift growls. "We can stay here for the night but tommorow we leave for the Sky Kingdom," She says. 

"I'm challenging Crimson for the throne." 

Authors note: Things have changed over the years. Any dragon can challenge the queen for the throne royalty or not. But um just wait for the rest. 

Wings of Fire: The Ice and Stars prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now