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[The scar glow dies down, and the camera shows a ten year old boy and girl sleeping. Then the light outside the cupboard under the stairs turns on.]

"You slept in a cupboard" lily and James say mortified

"Why, didn't you say anything ?" his friends questioned

"Why, was my grandchildren, the heir of potter sleeping in a cupboard" Flemount and Mia yelled

Many purebloods were disguised that the heir of Potter was treated like this. Draco, Theo and Blaise looked shocked. Luna, expression turned murderous, her usually dreamy face gone.

Hermione turned to Dione. "Did Rose tell you and enzo?" Both shock there heads.

"Why didn't she tell me" JJ Malfoy said annoyed.

Harry looked uncomfortable with these questions so he looked away.

"Where are we" Marlene asked "surely we would never treat lily and James son like that ?"

Leo looked at his mother with a sad expression.

Petunia: Up. Get up. [she knocks on his door repeatedly] Now! [ Smacks the door and walks to the living room]

[Harry wakes up, turns on the light and puts on his glasses with tape on the bridge . He then turns to his sleeping sister.]

"aww you both look so small" Harry blushed

Harry: Rose. Rosie. You have to wake up. [Shaking her sister.]

Rose: [Wakes up.] Harry. Why did you wake me up. I was dreaming about a flying Motorcycle! [Harry smiles at her.]

"She can remeber that?"

[ A large, tubby boy, Dudley Dursley, Suddenly comes running down the stairs up Bove the Cupboard. He stops half way and jumps up and down]

Dudley: Wake up Cousin's ! We're going to the zoo!

"what a fucking prick" Dione shouts.

[Harry looks up to the ceiling to see dust coming down. Dudley laughs, comes down the stairs and runs for the kitchen. Harry tries to come out of his cupboard, but is pushed back in by Dudley]

James agrees "He really is a prick"

Rose: You okay, Harry?

Harry: yea, im ok.

"Well we know that Rose has Lilly's kindness" Remus says. James looks offended.

[Petunia is in the kitchen, where Dudley has gone]

Petunia: Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy!

Vernon: Happy birthday son.

[Petunia and Dudley giggle together. Harry and Rose comes into the kitchen, dressed in outgrown clothes.]

"What are you wearing" said Marlene

"Dudley's old clothes, they never got me new clothes, i always had Dudley's" Harry replied

Lily looks down sadly. Thinking how her sister can do that

Petunia: Why don't you cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything

"They are not an elf" Fleamount huffs

"They made you cook ?" lily asks calmly. harry nodded silently

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