
2.3K 82 8

Word count: 1080
Bit of a small chapter compared to my others
Hope you all enjoy!

[Harry is seen waiting patiently sitting on a bench. Students are walking into Hogwarts chatting.]

Ron: Where is she? [joining Harry on the bnecb]

Harry: [shrugs] wheres mione?

Ron: in the hall. Saving seats. [Harry nods.] Ah, there [Ron points. The screen shows Rose and her friends walking to the school. Harry stands up fixing his glasses.]

Harry: Rose!

Rose: [notices him.] Harry! [running to him. He smiles hugging her tightly.] Ive missed you.

Harry: Did you have a good time?

Rose: Oh it was amazing. Hi Ron. [giving him a wave. She links arms with Harry.] it was Brillant. The best Christmas ever. [rose goes on rambling. You can see Harry's face dropping as rose smile gets wider.]

"Someone's jealous" Snape whispers to himself.

"Don't" Regulus says to him. "Leave him."
Knowing full well how Harry is feeling right now.

Harry: Amazing. But we should get to the hall, right?

Rose: Oh uh, yeah course.


[Harry in his uniform. Walking the corridors. Rose runs up to him.]

Rose: Apparently, this 4th year has a huge crush on Hermione. Can you belive it? [chuckling] he's a muggle born, so I suppose they'd be perfect togesther.

Harry: Really? Who?

Rose: Where are you going? Class is finished. Wanna hang out?

Harry: Can't.

Rose: What do you mean you can't?

Harrh: I have a lesson witu Proffesor Lupin.

Rose: about what?

Harry: Spells. Obviously

Rose: I'll come.

Harry: No.

Rose: yes. I ain't taking No for an answer. [linking arms. She walks into his classroom] Hi Professor. I'm joining the class for today. Hope you don't mind.

Remus: [smilling shaking his head.] Come on.


Remus: are you sure about this Harry? Rose? This is very advanced magic well beyond the ordinary wizarding level.

Harry: I'm sure. And so is rose.

Remus: Well everything is prepared. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the patronus charm. Did you ever hear of it? [they both look clueless.] No? Well.. a patronus is a Postive force. For the wizard who conjures one it works like a sheild, with the dementor on it rarther than him. But in order for it to work. You need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very powerful memory, a happt memory. Can you both do this? Yes. Very well. Close your eyes. Concentrate. Explore your past. Do you both have a memory? Allot it to fill you up? Lose yourself within it. Then speak the incantadtiom. Expecto patronum.

Harry/rose: expecto patronum

Remus: Very good. [he walks by the old chest.] Shall we? Harry you first. Wand at the ready. [he opens the box.]

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