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A/N: this is very unedited. Hope you like it!!!!

[Rose, Harry and Ron are walking in front of Hermione on the staircase.]

Ron: I'm telling you its spooky. She knows more about you than you do.]

Harry/Rose: Who doesn't?

[The staircase changes.]

Harry: What's happening?

Hermione: The staircases change, remember?

Harry: Let's go this way.

Ron: Before the staircase moves again.Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?

Rose: We're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden.

"Get out of there now!" Lily say's

[The fire lights up. Filch's cat come's in.]

Harry: Let's go.

Hermione: It's Filch's cat.

Harry: Run!

[The 4 ran down the hallway]

Harry: Quick, let's hide behind that door!

Rose: It's locked!

Ron: We're done for!

Hermione: Oh, move over! Alohomora. Get in.

"Impressive work for a first year student, miss Granger." Flitwik beamed.

Ron: Alohomora?

Hermione: Standord book of spells, chapter seven.

[the camera turns back to the hallway.]

Filch: Anyone here, my sweet? Come on.

"Honestly, he treats that cat like his wife" Siruis said.

Hermione: Filch is gone.

Ron: He thinks this door's locked.

Rose: Was locked.

Harry: And for a good reason.

[The camera shows a three headed large dog awakening from a nap.]


Hermione, Harry, Ron and Rose: AHHHHHHH.

[They ran out the door. Trying their best to lock the door, then sprinted to the common room.]

Ron: What are they doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?

"Yes, what were you thinking Dumbledore" McGonagall questioned. He sank in his seat trying to ignore the stairs he got.

Hermione: Don't you use your eyes. Didn't you see what it was standing on?

Ron: I wasn't looking at his feet. I was preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice. There were three!

Hermione: It was standing on a trapdoor. It wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something.

Harry: Guarding something?

"Well done Hermione"

Hermione: That's right. Now, if you three don't mind, I'm going to bed before either you come up with another idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled.

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