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"Well, let's move onto the Second year. It's called Harry and Rose Potter, with Chamber of secrets" Dione announced.

"Chamber of secrets!" "That's fake!" Many shouted.

"Silence - If you may." Dumbledore stated.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[The Black screen appears. It morphs and zooms to Pivert drive. You notice Harry sitting by the window. The camera zooms into him looking at a photo book. The camera then turns to Rose on the floor Drawering. The twins and Lily and James are seen in the photo Harry is looking at. He then turns to the page to him, Rose, Ron and Hermione. Hedwig and Ozzy make a noise.]

Harry: I can't let you out Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school.

Rose: Yea. Ozzy. Listen to your uncle. You fatty.

Many laughed.

Harry: Besides, if uncle Vernon -

Vernon: Harry and Rose Potter!

Twins: Now you've done it.

Rose: Why can't you two just be normal. It isn't hard. No treats for you now Ozzy. [pointed a figure at him.{ I'm only joking. [Runniing away with Harry.]

[Petunia is seen decorating a cake. The twins walk in. ]

Petunia: He's in there. Vernon?

Vernon: I'm warning you, if you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go.

Rose: It's an owl...

Harry: But she's bored. If I could only let her out for an hour or two.

"Wait - your owls weren't aloud to go outside" Pandora asked with wide eyes.

"No" Harry answerd her.

"That's awful" Pandora said sadly.

Vernon: So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir.

Harry: But we haven't had any messages from any of our friends.

Rose: Not one... all summer

"You didn't write to them?!" Lily said.

"No they did. It's just me and Rose didn't receive them. Just watch" Harry says to his mother.

"I'm still pissed about that" Lorenzo muttered.

Dudley: Who would want to be friends with you? [nudging Harry.]

Rose: Your bestfrind... if I remember correctly he called the other day asking if can...

Dudley: Shut up. [Walking away. She laughs.]

Rkse: He's ugly anyway.

"No boys!" James glared at the screen. "Harry please don't let here anywhere near any boys"

Vernon: I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We've raised both of you since you were a baby, given you the food of our table even let you have Dudley second bedroom purely out of the goodness of our hearts.

"Second bedroom!" Marlene said.

"Your telling me that, that boy had a second bedroom and my kids where sleeping in a cupboard." Lily and James glared at Dumbledore.

"I'm going to kill your sister lily!"

Petunia: [Dudley touching the cake.] Not now. It's for when the masons arrive.

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