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[Hagrid, Rose, Harry, Hermione and Ron are walking in the court yard.]

Hagrid: Nonsence! Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's and Roses broom?

"Something I would like to know" James glared at him.

Harry: Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?

Hagrid: Who told you about Fluffy?

Ron: Fluffy?

Hermione: That thing has a name?

Rose: Of course it does. It's a dog. Good name by the way.

Many looked at the girl weirdly

Hagrid; Thank you Rose. And of course he has a name he's mine. I bought him off an Irishman. I lent him to Dumbledore to guard -

Harry/Rose; Yes?

Hagrid: Shouldn't have said that. No more questions! That's top-secret.

Harry: But Hagrid, whatever Fluffys guarding snapes trying to steal it.

Hagrid: Codswallop. Prosesor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher

Hermione: Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I've read about them. You've got to keep eye contact, and Snape wants blinking.

Harry: Exactly.

Hagrid: Now, you listen to me, all four of you. You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is between Dumbldore and Nicholas Flamel.

Harry: Nicholas Flamel?

"Hagrid" McGonagall Groaned.

Hagrid: I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that.

Harry: Nicholas Flamel. Who's Nicholas Flamel?

Hermione: I don't know.

"Hermione Granger doesn't know who that is. Oh no the world is ending" Sirius laughed. Hermione glared at him to shut him up.

"Shut up. You!" Marlene hitting him with a pillow.

[Its not Christmas. Hagrid is seen pulling a tree to the castle.]

Ghosts: Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Ring the Hogwarts Bell. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Cast a Christmas spell.

[Flitwick is putting decorations on the tree. Ron, Harry and Rose are seen playing Wizards chess. Hermione walks over to them.]

Harry: Knight to e5

Ron: Queen to e5

Hermione: That's totally barbaric!

Rose: That's Wizards chess.

Ron: I see you've packed.

Hermione: I see you haven't.

Ron: Change of plans. My parents went to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there.

"Oh. For Merlin sake" Molly mutters. Arthur laughs.

Hermione: Good. You can help Harry and Rose. There going to the Libary to look up Nicholas Flamel.

Ron: We've looked a hundred times!

Hermione: Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas. [Walks away.]

Ron: I think we've had a bad influence on her.

"You think" Remus said.

Rose: You thing? [Laughing.{

Remus smiled.

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