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Hermione: I had you looking in the wrong section. How could I be so stupid? I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading.

"Light readying!" James and Sirius says horrendous

Ron: This is light?

Hermione: Of course! Here it is! Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers stone.

Ron/ Harry: The what?

Rose: Honestly, don't you two read?

Hermione: "the Philosophers stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixer of Life which will make the drinker immortal"

Ron: Immortal?

Hermione: It means you'll never die.

Ron: I know what it means!

Many laughed.

Hermione: "the only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel the notes alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday."


Rose:Wow! He's old.

Hermione: That's what Fluffy's guarding. That's what's under the trap door. The Philosophors stone.

Rose: I have an idea.

Ron: What?

Rose: I reckon we should find the stone, steal it and then sell it!

Many laughed.

"No! You will not" Lily said. She turned to James. "This is all your fault!"

"Don't blame it on me that our daughter is cool!" James laughs. Lily glared at him.

Hermione: We will not sell it.

Rose: That man is basically 700 years old he's already lived his life. I haven't. Imagine how much money we could get.

Ron: Sounds like a good idea.

Harry: No! No we will not be doing that ridiculous idea.

"At least Harry had brains" Euphemia says.

Rose: Fine! You three are Boring anyway. I'm going to find my fun friends. [Wlakimg away.]

[Harry, Ron, Rose and Hermione are running to Hagrid.]

Hagrid: Don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no state to entertain.

All: We know about the Philosophers stone.

Hagrid: Oh.

"You could of least denied it Hagrid" McGonagall says shaking her head.

Harry: We think Snape is trying to steal it.

Rose; How many times Harry. It isn't Snape!

Snape looked at the girl weirdly.

Hagrid: Are you still on a bout him?

Harry: We know he's after it. We don't know why.

Hagrid: Snape is one of the teachers protecting the stone. He won't steal it.

Harry/Ron: What?

Rose: I told you.

Hagrid: You heard. Come on, I'm a bit preoccupied today.

"What are you hiding Hagrid"

Harry: Wait a minute. "One of the Teqchers"?

Hermione: Of course. There are others thing defending the stone. Aren't there? Spells, enchantments.

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