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Hiya chapter is: 2122

[Harry and rose are running down the stairs. ]

Vernon: You bring her back! You bring her back now. You put her right!

Harry: No. she deserved what she got. [his hands go to attact hary.]

"Get away from him!" James shouted

Rose; [pulls out her wand.] Keep away from him.

Vernon: You can't use magic outside school.

Rose: Yeah? Try me.

Many smirk.

Vernon: They won't let you back now. You've nowhere to go.

Harry: I don't care. Anywhere is better than here.


[Harry and Rose are seen walking the street with there trunks. In the distance you here marge screaming. They stop by a park.]

Rose: Harry.... Let's just sit and think for a moment. [she sits down.] we're fucked.

Harry: I know.

Rose: Maybe we should owl someone.  [The lights start to flash and the swings in the play ground start to move. They notice something in the bushes it's a dog. The dog growls at them they take out there wands but they are pushed back.]

"What the fuck!"

"I swear Sirius...." James glared at him. Knowing full well that the dog was him.

[A triple deccor bus appears.]

"Whars that?" First year muggle said.

"I think it explains it now." Harry said to him.

- "welcome to the knight bus emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, am I will be your conductor for this evening"

"Oh. That's cool."

Stan: what you doing down there?

Harry: Fell over.

Stan: Watcha fell over for?

Rose: We didn't do it on purpose.

Stan: Well Come on then. Let's not wait for the grass to grow. [Harry and rose turn to see that the dog is gone.{ What you looking at?

Harry: Nothing.

Stan: Well come on then. In. No.no.non. I'll get there. You two get in.

[Harry and rose look around]

Stan: Come on. Move on, Move on. [gives Harry and rose a ticket] Take it away, ern.

- Yeah, take it away. Ernie. It's going to be a bumpy ride.  [The bus blast off makikg harry and rose fall back.

Stan: What did you same yous name was?

Harry: We didn't.

Stan: Whereabouts are you headed?

Harry: the leaky cauldron. Thars in London.

Stan: Did you hear that ern? "The leaky cauldron. Thars In London" [chuckles.{

- The leaky cauldron. If you have a pea soup make sure you eat it before it eats you.

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