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Hi guys!
This is a very long chapter 2388 words
Sorry I've been so un active, I finished college and celebrating my birthday!
Anyway, hope you enjoy!

[The screen shows the gryffindor team walking onto the court yard.]

Oliver: I spent the summer devising a while new Quidditch program. We're gonna train earlier, harder and longer.

"That's some dedication right there." The quidditch captains say.

Oliver: What..? I don't belive it. Where do you think you're going flint?

Flint: Quidditch practice.

Oliver: I booked the pitch for gryffindor today.

Flint: Easy, wood. I've got a note.

Ron: I smell trouble.

Oliver: I proffesor Snape, do herby give the Slythein team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new seeker."  You've got a new seeker who?

"But - Rose was the seeker." Remus said confused.

Harry: Malfoy? - But..

Draco: That's right.

Fred: Rose is your Seeker.

George: Why have you..?

Flint: We toke a vote.

"A vote! A vote! My daughter won for you guys last year and now your replacing her with a malfoy" James glared heatedly at the screen.

"Excuse me, my son-" Lucius started to talk.

"Shut your mouth Malfoy!" James glared back at him.

Harry: That's not...

Rose: It's okay Harry. [Appears with Theo.] None of them wanted me on their team. [glaring at them.{

Leo: Me and JJ voted for you, and Adrian.

Rose: Thanks...

Draco: And that's not all that new this year.

Ron: Those are Nimbus 2001s, how did you get those?

Flint: A gift from dracos Farther.

[The screen shows Jupiter rolling his eyes, he looks at Rose, who looks upset, he then looks down.]

"Aww Rose...." Lily sighs at the screen hating seeing her daughter upset.

Draco: You see, Weasley, unlike some, my farther can afford the best.

Narcissa glared at her son. "Apologie Rigjt now" not liking how his son is acting like his father.

"I'm sorry."

Hermione: At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent.

Draco winced it his seat remembering what comes next.

Draco: No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood.

The hall gasps looking at the youngest Malfoy in disgust

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! How dare you! Apolgise fight now! Now!" Narcissa shouted at her son.

"I am sorry Hermione." He said truly.

"It's okay Draco, it's in the past."

Ron: You'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs! [The curse rebonded making Ron throw up slugs. The Slytheirns laugh.]

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