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[it was now the next morning, the screen shows the Slytherin common room.]

Dione: Come on Rose wake up!

"James is the same. Absolutely hate waking up in the morning"Fleamount laughed.

Rose: I'm up.

Dione: great. Get dressed and I will introduce you to everyone.

[Dione and Rose are now walking into the great hall for breakfast. Rose is looking at the Gryfindor table looking for Harry]

Rose: Where's my brother?

Dione: He probably just slept in late. [Siting down at the table.]. Anyway, Rose this is Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass.

Rose: It's nice to meet you both. [They raised their eyebrows and carried in talking.{

"Bitches" Marlene said.

Rose: okay, then.

Lorenzo: ignore them there bitches. [Siting opposite the girls.] I'm Lorenzo Lestrange, pleasure to meet you.

Rose: It's nice to meet you to.

Blasie: what are you lot talking about. [joining the conversation sitting next to Theo.]. Oh - you must be rose. I'm Blaise Zabini. And this is

Theo: Theodore Nott, call me Theo.

Rose: it's nice to meet you all. do you guys all know eachother?

Dione: Yep.

Lorenzo: Where all purebloods, we were basically brought up togeather.

Rose: How come?

Theo: How much do you know about the Wizarding world?

Rose: not much. I only found out about magic when I had my letter.

Blaise: oh well basically, purbloods and some half bloods go to balls and stuff like that. Boring really but it's nice to meet people.

Dione: I can tell you more about our world if you like?

"Thank you" James and Lily said to her.

Rose: yea I'd like that.

[the 5 we're talking, until they heard a voice]

- congrats making Slytherin, brother.

Draco: Thanks jj.

- yea well done cousins.

Dioen: Rose, this is Leo Black.

Leo: who is perfecting capable of introducing his self. It's nice to meet you Rose.

Rose. You to.

Dione: And this is JJ Malfoy.

Rose: It's nice to meet you.

Jj: [looked at her raising his eyebrows.] A potter in Slythrin now that ironic.

Jj looks down.

Jj: Tell me potter, what do you think your parents would think about you being a Slythrin.

"We would be proud no matter what house she is in" Lily said. James nodding along.

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