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A Really long chapter: 3710
Hope you all enjoy!

The screen shows Trelawney classroom. Third year students are sat.] Broaden your minds. You must look beyond. [Harry and Ron are seen falling asleep looking at the cryal ball.] the art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye. [Harry guves a side eye to Ron who's snoring] Only then you see. Try again. Now what do we have here? [Harry and Ron jump awake]

Many laughed at the pair.

Hermione; [appears] oh. Do you mind me trying ?

Trelawney: Ah.

Hermione; the grim, possibly.

Trelawney; my dear, from the first moment you stopped foot in my class I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble arts of divination. No, you see there. [taking her hand] you may be young in years but your heart is as shrivelled as on old maids, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave. [Hemione yanks her hand away and pushing the Crystal on the dlooor. The students all gasp as she walks out]

Rose: [laughs with Dione.] just because she wasn't right she puts on a tiny tears fit. Truly pathetic. [Dione laughs with her.]

Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Rose..." Lily whispers in a warning tone

Enzo: That's muggles for you. [smriking.] besides, she had the choice to work together on a project for potions, and she denied me.

Rose: who would deny you? You're Lorenzo Lestrange.

Enzo: I know. [he raises his hand] Professor?

Trelawney: yes dear boy?

Enzo: Surely she deserves an detention for that?

Ron: Lestrange [glaring at him.]

Rose: He's Right. If One of us did that. Slytheirns. We wouldn't hear the end of it. It's only fair. [Harry glares at her. She shrugs.]

Harry: she can be such a...

Ron: Harry... [shaking his head] Shes your twin. Make up with her. [he shakes his head. Ron grouns putting his head on the table]


Dione: See you later! [walking with Enzo. Rose waves them goodbye walking with her brother and Ron. They both stare at her.]

Rose: What? She's was being -

Ron: She's gone mental. [rose nods] not that she wasn't alwaus mental but now it's in the open for everyone to see.

Rose: I agree. She was acting like a -

Harry: hang on. [picking up the Crystal.] Better take this back.

Ron: I'm not going back.

Harry; fine. See you later. Rose. [she groans following him]

Ron: I'm not talking to you.

Harry: [sighs heavily] shut up. Take this back with me.

"Harry, she's your sister." Lily shaked her head

[The two walk into the classroom where it's empty.]

Rose: Let's Just put it here and go. [as Harry puts it down. The crystal slowy starts to get foggy, then a man appearing.]

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