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A/N: long chapter and unedited. Sorry! I hope you enjoy!

[You now see the car flying to THE BURROW. They land just in time. They get out of the car and walk towards the Burrow.]

Pure bloods sneeded at their home.

The Weasley look down.

"Your home is very cozy. Mrs Weasley." Leo says to her. Remembering all the times he spent there.

"Thank you" Molly says sincerely.

[The all sneak into the house. Harry and Rose look around in amazement.]

Ron: It's not much, but it's home

Harry: I think it's brilliant.

The Weasley smile at Harry.

Rose: I thinks it's amazing. It's so cool. What's your room like Ron?

"She seems very interested?" Andromeda laughed.

Molly: Where have you been? [Molly spears.] Harry, Rose. How wonderful to see you, dears. [Turns back to the boys.] Beds enpty. No note. Car gone. You could have died. You could of been seen. Of course, I don't blame you. Harry, Rose, dears.

Ron: They were starving them, mum. There were bars on there window.

Molly: Well, you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley. Come on Harry, Rose, time for a spot of brecfast.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't believe you Ron. I'm sorry Harry" Molly said worrying.

"It's okay. Who would believe something like that anyway" Harry waved it off.

[Ginny is seen running down the stairs. ]

Molly: Here we are, Twins. Now, tuck in. That's it. There we go.

Rose: Thank you.

Ginny: Mummy, have you seen my jumper?

Molly: Yes, dear, it was on the cat.

Harry: Hello. [Ginny runs away.]


"Love at first site" Sirius looked at Ginny. Only to have a pillow thrown in his face.

Harry: What did I do?

Ron: Ginny. She's been talking about you two all summer. A bit annoying, really.

Ginny blushed from the looks she was getting.

Arthur: Morning, Weasleys.

All: Morning, dad.

Arthur; What a night. Nine raids. Nine!

Rose: Raids?

Ron: Dad works in the ministry of magic, in the misuse of muggle Artifacts office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating.

Arthur: Well, now. And who are you two?

Harry/Rose; Oh sorry, sir.

Harry: I'm Harry. Harry Potter. And this is -

Rose: Rose Potter. It's nice to meet you.

Arthur: Good Lord. Are you really? Well, Ron has told us all about both of you, of course. When did they get here?

Molly: This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night.

Arthur: Did you really? How did it go?

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