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Hiya! A long chapter today 2646
Hope you all enjoy!
Please comment if you have any ideas for any of the characters, I love reading them!

[Its now later at night. Rose is seen walkig to the main part of the common room. She sees Leo and Jupiter talking with others.]

Leo: Where you going?

Rose: No where. It's late. You should be sleeping.

Leo: We can't at the moment. [She looks at him weirdly.]

Rose: [shaking her head.] Umm... well congratulations on scoring, both of you.

Jupiter: Thanks. Does this mean-

Rose: No. I need time to forgive you. [he rolled his eyes.] Where's felix?

Leo: In the dorm.

Rose: Well go and join him. Haven't you got a test tommorow Leo?

Leo: Like I said I would. But I can't.

Rose: Why?

Jupiter: Don't worry. Goodnight.

Rose: No. now I'm intrigued, why?

Adrian: Felix is having sex right now potter. That's why. [The looks shocked.]

Evan smirked. "Thars my son." His Friends laugj at him.

Rose: [looks gobesmaked. They laugh at her reaction.{ That's disgusting! Eww!

Leo: Don't say I didn't warn you.

- Shoudlnt you lot be in your dorms. Get there now. [Ella appears.]

Flint: Of course Black. [winking at her. She looks disgusted.]

Ella: I have a boyfriend. [flipping him off.]  Leo, Jupiter bed now.

Leo: We cant. Felix is having sex with someone.

Ella: Eww. Why now? He's only in third year. Shame.  - Ef?

Leo/Jupiter: Ef?

Ella: It's my name for Rose. Duh. Her middle name is Eumpmia. (I'm not to sure how to spell her name)

Rose: Yea el?

Ella: What are you doing up?

Rkse: Well I was going to see Harry. Until I saw these two. And they told me about rosier, and now I feel disgusting.

Leo: She's so Inoncet. [whispering to Jupiter. He punched his arm.]

Ella: [glared at Leo.] Felix, is a very hornmanal teenager. Your going to be like that one day.

Rose: No! Never. Never in a million years. Eww. No!

"Well done Daughter. Well done." James nodded approvingly. Lily just shoke her head.

Ella: You don't have to. [Hugging her.] Go and see Harry. Then come back here in 1 hour. You have 1 hour Ef.

Rose: okay. See you later, ellie. [wlaking away with a bag.]

"She's so lovely." Lily smiled at the fact that her daughter has a sister figure.

"Well she is alfreds daughter. Alfie is nice, so Ella is going to be." Sirius smield.

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