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[Harry, Rose and Hagrid are walking down London street.]

Harry: [reading his letter.] "All students must be equipped with...one standord size 2 pwter cauldron...and may bring if they desire, either an owl a cat or a toad."

Rose: Can we find all this in London?

Hagrid: If you know where to go.

[They walk towards a old black pub, as they get gloser te sign above says "The Leaky Cauldron" As they enter music and servers people talking to eachother.]

Tom: Ah, Hagrid! The usual i presume?

Hagrid: No thanks tom. I'm here on official Hogwarts busines. Just helping young Rose and Harry buy there school suplies.

Tom: Bless my soul. It's Harry and Rose Potter.

[The pub went dead silent. Everyone turns to the twins. A man comes up and shakes there hands.]

"I've never seen a pub so silent in my life." Flemount said.

Man: Welcome back, Mr and Miss Potter. Welcome back

Doris: Doris Crockford. I can't belive I'm meeting you both at last.

Quirriell: Harry and Rose P-potter. C-can't tell you how pleased i am to meet you.

"Did he always have that stutter?" Narcissa asked Lucius.

"I can't remeber"

Hagrid: Hello Professor didn't see you there. Harry, Rose this is Professor Quirel he will be your Defence against te darks arts teacher.

Harry: Oh, nice to meet you. [Extending his hand to shake. Rose was looking at him weirldly.]

"I bet she knew" Harry mutterd.

Quirrell: F-fearfully fascinating subject. Not that you need it, eh Potters?

"How is he teaching DATDA?" Snape wuestioned.

Hagrid: Yes, well, must to be goingnow. Lots to buy.

Harry/Rose: Goodbye.

[The three leave the room, open the door to a brick wall.]

Hagrid: See Potter's ? Your Famous.

Harry: But why are we famous Hagrid.

Rose: All those people back there, how is it they know who we are.

"You did defeat the dark lord?" Rabastan statted the ovboius.

Hagrid: Im not sure if im the write person to tell you that. [taps the bricks with his umberella. Te bricks magically move and reveal a bust steet.] Welcome. Harry and Rose to Diagon alley. [The twins grin in amazement stepping into the street. Rose hair turns yellow.]

James and Lily look sad as they wernt the ones to take them to Diogon alley.

Hagrid: Here, you get your quills and ink. Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.

[The camera shows many shops. One of the shops was a broom store, where a group of boys are crowded around a shiny broom.]

Boy: It's a world-class racing broom. Look at it! The new Nimbus 2000! It's the fasters model yet.

"NIMBUS 2000!" All of the quidditch fans look at aww.

[Rose turns and walks toward it her hair going bright yellow. Before she went Hagrid caught her arm.]

POTTER TWINSWhere stories live. Discover now