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KREACHER WAS INTERESTING to say the least. Mainly because he would disappear for hours at a time just to be found covered in dust in the attic. Sirius suspected it was to collect more relics for his cupboard, like the picture of Bellatrix the elf basically worshipped, and he seemed satisfied with Kreacher's answer. However, Rory was still weary when in the elf's presence, especially since he was always staring at her. She learned to ignore it with guidance from Sirius, but Kreacher still creeped her out.
Before she knew it, Christmas had passed and it was already the last day of Holiday. She hadn't seen Harry in a while, but it was because she spent her days locked in her room, avoiding contact with everyone. As she laid across her bed there was a loud knock on the door, but Rory ignored it. She assumed it was just Sirius calling her down for dinner, but the knocking soon became consistent pounding. Rory groaned as she rolled off the mattress, walking over to the door, "I'm not hungry, Sirius. Oh —"
Once she had opened the door fully, Rory was surprised to see Harry before her, "You're not Sirius." And Harry's eyes met her's for the first time in over a week, "Erm, no. Mrs. Weasley wants us both in the kitchen. She said Snape wants a word with us."
Rory's face fell, "Snape? What could he want?" And Harry shrugged, "Beats me."
She followed after the brunette boy and met Mrs. Weasley by the kitchen door once they were downstairs. The woman smiled kindly as she pushed open the door, allowing them both to enter. Rory first took notice of Snape seated at the table and Sirius seated opposite of him. Harry cleared his throat to announce their presence, and Snape's head shot up, "Sit down, Potter, Kennedy."
"I'm not a dog," Rory mumbled, still obliging as Sirius spoke up, "You know, I think I'd prefer if you didn't give orders here, Snape. It's my house, you see."
Harry sat down beside Rory while Snape glared at them with a sneer, "I was supposed to see you two alone, but Black —"
"I'm his godfather and her father."
"I am here on Dumbledore's orders," Snape's voice cut through. "By all means stay, Black, I know how you like to feel . . . involved." And Sirius stood from his seat abruptly, his chair falling with a loud bang, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Merely that I am sure you must feel — ah — frustrated by the fact that you can do nothing useful," Snape laid a heavy emphasis on the word. "For the Order." And while Sirius flushed, Snape smirked before continuing on, "The headmaster has sent me to tell you, Potter, Kennedy, that it is his wish for you to study Occlumency this term."
Harry stared at the Potions professor, dumbfounded, "Study what?"
"Occlumency, Potter. The magical defense of the mind against external penetration. An obscure branch of magic, but a highly useful one."