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Mother and Father are going to come to Hogwarts and murder me in my sleep. That woman must have already told Father about my week of detention.

It's not my fault she's blind to what's going on in the world around us. She's just an oblivious, Ministry lover that should go back to the Ministry and never return . . .

I just spent ten minutes debating whether or not I wanted to open the letter Artemis arrived with. In the end I did, and it had to be the most passive aggressive thing I've ever read. Sure, I may have gotten in trouble here and there at home, but never at school.

Regarding the letter, Mother wrote "We were very disappointed to hear that you've received a week of detention already, Aurora. And to hear this information from your brother upsets us even more."

At least it wasn't a howler.

Elio, when will you learn how to keep your mouth shut? If you can't, then I have no problem doing it for you. Remember, dear brother of mine, you never will be able to outsmart me.

I am always four steps ahead.

Professor McGonagall was quite decent to Harry and I about our detentions. She even offered us biscuits (Nice!!) and just told us to be careful around Umbridge.

So, my first day is over and I'm glad it is. But Harry and I had to endure a lecture from Hermione after dinner. She basically told us that what we did was "irresponsible" and we "need to be more careful."

I didn't even pay attention and I don't believe Harry did either.

That's all for now. Talk soon.

I say that like you're an actual human.


THAT EVENING, MORE specifically early morning, Rory sat alone in the Gryffindor common room. It was a quarter after two and she had no desire of going to sleep. She had finished her homework ages ago, so it wasn't like she was staying up to finish it. What she was doing, or attempting to do, was very different.

After Harry and Rory's conversation with Professor McGonagall, she had stuck around a bit longer and asked her head of house for a mouse she could use for practice. Professor McGonagall agreed, under the impression that she was using the mouse for extra Transfiguration practice.

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