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I don't believe anything anymore.
How am supposed to when my life has been built on top of lies? Ever since I could remember I've been with Mother, Father, and Elio. No one else.
I'm just so upset.
The fact that I have more family than I thought I did. The fact that Sirius Black is my father.
Why did they lie to me for this long? Were they ever going to tell me the truth? Does Elio know I'm not his sister? Is this why Father has always been hard on me? Did they not want me to grow up like my father?
I can't bare the thought of being with them anymore. I don't want to. I can't.
ONCE SHE WAS finished in Professor Dumbledore's office, Rory practically bolted to the Gryffindor common room. Once she entered, she ran up the stairs towards her dormitory. There she locked the door behind her and collapsed onto the floor, tears escaping from her eyes. Soon those tears turned into sobs as she couldn't contain them anymore.
From outside the door, Hermione's heart wrenched as she listened to the sound. Harry, who had been coming back from Quidditch practice, raised an eyebrow at where Hermione sat, "Why are you sitting outside your dormitory?"
Hermione let out a sad sigh, "Oh, Harry, it's terrible. Aurora's been in there crying ever since she's come back from Dumbledore's office."
"Have you tried talking to her?" Harry questioned, and Hermione shook her head, "I don't want to. I'm thinking we should just give her her space until she wants to talk to someone."
"I understand that, but —"
Harry was interrupted as the door swung open and Rory stepped out of the dormitory. Her hazel eyes that were usually full of life and spark were now red and puffy. Her face held a blank expression, no emotion able to be traced. Rory stared straight ahead as she brushed past the duo, "I'm going for a walk."
"But!" Hermione tried to stop her. "You have to eat something! You didn't eat anything at dinner tonight. Let me get you something?"
"No, no. I'm fine. I just need fresh air."
It wasn't hard to find Elio.
The Slytherin was wandering the halls with another one of his housemates after a study session in the library. However, his company didn't stop Rory from grabbing him by his collar and pushing him up against a nearby wall. She shoved her wand into his neck, huffing out, "When were you going to tell me, Elio. All this time and all you've done is lie to me?"
"Tell you what, Aurora?" Elio questioned frantically, desperately trying to push the girl off of him.
"You're not even my real brother!" Rory spat at him, tears starting to well in her eyes again. "I thought Mother and Father would've tell you. You are their son after all."
"Get off of me!" Rory seethed as she was taken off of Elio. "This is between me and my dear, non-biological brother!"
Rory gripped tightly onto her wand as she watched Elio run off with Blaise. The same arm still remained tight around her shoulders as she tried to go after Elio. She struggled in the arms and yelled, "Get off of me, Harry! This doesn't concern you at all!"
But his grip around her only tightened, "I don't think I can, Aurora! After what you just did to your brother, how can I trust you won't go after him and try to blast his head off? And I very well know you can too. We don't want you in Azkaban, Aurora."
"Oh,piss off, Harry," Rory broke out of his grasp, turning to face him. "If you trusted me, you would've let me say what I needed to say to him. You don't know him like I do. The only way I can really get my message across is through violence."
"Rory!" Harry tried to get her attention, but failed as she ignored him, running back up towards their common room.
Rory sat on her bed as she angrily scribbled onto a piece of parchment, snapping her quill in half. She reached for another one, dipping it into her pot of ink, "Come on."
Carina and Sol,
I can't believe I let myself trust you both for so long, thinking that you actually cared about me like I was your daughter.
Well, surprise! Found out I'm not?
That's not sitting well. It's only the second week here and now this has been sprung upon me! I don't know what's going to happen next.
What disgusts me most is you're his sister, Carina, and you never had the decency to tell me that I was actually his daughter, not yours.
Was it some feeble attempt to rid him from your mind? Was it because you never thought of him as your younger brother, only Regulus? Was it because you disowned him too after he ran away from home?
You're selfish. You only careabout blood purityand Hogwarts houses, and other meaninglessthings. I'll never forgive you for that, either of you, and for changing my birth name too.
It was probably another attempt to pretend Sirius didn't exist. You renamed me to something that seemed more fitting.
It's funny, Carina. Truly funny. So funny, in fact, that I'm laughing harder than ever before.
I don't want to return to your house ever again. I've never belonged and I still don't. I will never be able to get past this.
You anger me. You disgust me. I wish it was you in Azkaban instead of him, that way I would've still had my father by my side.